- moroccan hospitality , the simplicity, and the generosity of people specially in in the small villages - variety of ethnics and races , very colourful society
things i hate :
- men mentality towards women - families who treat their own children in a different way - some people who don t need to beg but they do to con citizens - political culture specially considering politic(elections ) a way to get rich and not to serve people
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2009 10:34 by whatsup.
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Salam , Me i like in our Morocco ? , that every time i visit a city with family i discouver new Colors , new things ,new talk , there are some who say that our Morocco is the same , same Medina kdima ...,but me i cant see that , all the time i see new things i like our hospitality , our simplicity, and our generosity , Im proud To be moroccan , and live in Morocco , we have rich Culture that we must be proud..