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moroccan culture
16 June 2009 08:41
hi there
as we are all moroccans
what do you of our cultureperplexe
17 June 2009 18:11
Rich history ,varied & full of coulors & life , i'am very proud !
17 June 2009 18:12
ok go aheadWelcome
17 June 2009 18:24
What do you think of our culture ?
17 June 2009 18:32
you firstmoody smiley
26 June 2009 16:57
so who's going to satrt? i'm waitnigsmiling smiley
26 June 2009 17:12
sorry was you reffering to me???moody smiley
26 June 2009 17:14
or atlas magicsmiling smiley
26 June 2009 17:17
27 June 2009 22:31
positives and negatives
things i like :

- moroccan hospitality , the simplicity, and the generosity of people specially in in the small villages
- variety of ethnics and races , very colourful society

things i hate :

- men mentality towards women
- families who treat their own children in a different way
- some people who don t need to beg but they do to con citizens
- political culture specially considering politic(elections ) a way to get rich and not to serve people

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2009 10:34 by whatsup.
29 June 2009 00:19
speaking of mentality..the thing i hate the most is the involvment in others business,pple just caant mind their own business!!
29 June 2009 11:39
well that s what make moroccans specialtongue sticking out smiley
29 June 2009 17:09
oh yes gossiping and back stabbing are two products made in morocco smiling smiley
29 June 2009 17:13
you didnt get the msg
i just want you to show me how to send things from you tube to this forum
29 June 2009 17:30
no ididn t receive your message sad smiley

ok let me explain it s very simple when you open a video and you are watching it
point the arrow of your mouse in the address area then right click on your mouse you will get a list of choices then click :COPY

after that go to yabi type your message and at the end right click on your mouse you will get a list of choices again then click : PASTE

job done you will see the link thumbs up
29 June 2009 19:15
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuyawning smiley
1 July 2009 22:17
hi all,

our culture?let me guess...the way we talk about others,their business,..."tberguigue" attitude ptdr

for me, my morocco = sharing, generosity, simple life(not with paris HILTON lol) and happiness smiling smiley
2 July 2009 08:32
4 July 2009 20:17
gossiping (namima )oufffffffffffevery unemployed person sits in a cafe 8 hours namima
5 July 2009 15:57
8 July 2009 18:57
Salam ,smiling smiley
Me i like in our Morocco ? , that every time i visit a city with family i discouver new Colors , new things ,new talk , there are some who say that our Morocco is the same , same Medina kdima ...,but me i cant see that , all the time i see new things i like our hospitality , our simplicity, and our generosity , Im proud To be moroccan , and live in Morocco , we have rich Culture that we must be proud..

Your new freind Hana From Morooco smiling smileyBye
9 July 2009 08:33
hi there
welcome to this forum
so where are you from in morocco
i mean in which city do you live?smiling smiley
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