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Moroccan gays in USA
29 July 2009 22:37
hey Yabis ,
I came across this video and I wanted to share it with you ,I felt awfully awful since I'm Moroccan.
waiting for your feedback (la hawla wa la 9owwata illa bi llah )eye popping smiley

29 July 2009 22:41
There is Moroccan Gays in Morocco, why not in USA, bilaadu al-Fasad?

Wa Allahou al-Mousya3an.
29 July 2009 23:00
gay is a beautifull word. it mean "happy", not a perverted person.

excwise my bad english,
30 July 2009 04:25
hey Yabis ,
I came across this video and I wanted to share it with you ,I felt awfully awful since I'm Moroccan.
waiting for your feedback (la hawla wa la 9owwata illa bi llah )eye popping smiley

what does LAHAWLA WA LA 9OWATA ILLA BILLAH has to to do with the topic?
Extremists will find all kind of sourates in the koran to prove their hateful ideology.
By the way, the expression awfully awful does not exist in the english language, go learn english first before you judge people who happened to be artists and different from some badouines who are still living in the age of Jahiliya.
Read the koran with an open mind and you might become wise one day.
30 July 2009 05:55
I saw him in Casablanca Restaurant. he was dancing awfully disgusting. Arlington VA (Wash DC Area)

he just added a pinch of s_hit to the already screwed up service from a restaurant i will never go back to.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
30 July 2009 07:03
Thanks for the link. I am not too into male belly dancing, but Simo has a nice personality. Don't feel awfully sorry for him, he seems very gay (gay as in happy). Now the host, yep!

30 July 2009 10:36
in North africa: Algeria is classified as number one (the numbers of homosexuals )
in arab world: saoudie arabia , kuweit, lebanon , and Bahrain
the sultan of ommane is homosexual (sultan kabous) they are hypocrit societies most of them are homos secretely but in public pretending to be religious
many gay soudian marry 4 wives because they have to but secretely they are homosexuals

homosexuality is not a taboo nowadays the worst are societies which condamn it while practicing it
preaching others while they don t do what they preach : hypocrit society SOS


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 10:40 by whatp.
30 July 2009 10:50
hey Yabis ,
I came across this video and I wanted to share it with you ,I felt awfully awful since I'm Moroccan.
waiting for your feedback (la hawla wa la 9owwata illa bi llah )eye popping smiley


why are you feeling awful? what s that got to do with you perplexeis it that important to you what these citizens do in their bedroomsptdrptdr

in morocco we need to start learning to treat people as equal citizens and not judging them according to their religious belief , sexual orientation , marital status , agenda , colour, race .........
what make me feel awful is the mentality of stone age which beleives:
- a married woman is more respected than a single woman or a widower
- a rich person has more rights and more respected that the poor one
- a hetrosexual thinks is superior than a homosexual
- a beardy who thinks paradise is his because he grows a beard but non beardies are going to hell
- a scarfed ninja thinks that she has the ticket to paradise and a non scarfed is a non muslim

thats the real tragedy winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 10:54 by whatp.
30 July 2009 11:10
i dont even want to talk about it
it s disgusting
shame on you
30 July 2009 11:15
Homosexuality is not natural, it's a deviance, no need to explain why. Men for women, women for men, may Allah guide them and May He protects us from such immorality.

Whatp, do you have à boyfriend? winking smiley
30 July 2009 11:35
L'homme Etrange
Homosexuality is not natural, it's a deviance, no need to explain why. Men for women, women for men, may Allah guide them and May He protects us from such immorality.

Whatp, do you have à boyfriend? winking smiley

ptdrare you interested , do you fancy me ? sorry taken by my swiss beauty princess winking smileycontrol your trump it will get you into trouble and make you hear some harsh words from me evil

but since you are l homme etrange it s very obvious you are a shit stabber winking smileyIll
30 July 2009 11:42
No at all, I'm sane and I'm not promoting bestiality, you are, silly dude. I'm not interested in homosexuality, you will probably find what you want in Swiss. I didn't expect anything else from you, scumbag.

Get a life, dude.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 11:43 by L'homme Etrange.
30 July 2009 11:44
i dont even want to talk about it
it s disgusting
shame on you

shame on you who exactly ? don t you have a clear opinion ?
who knows your son or daughter in the future will be a homosexual your attitude needs some counselling !!

i work in a company where there are 3 gay people , their sexuality is not my business
who am i to play god and judge human beings

mnhome li khl9home
30 July 2009 11:49
You're talking about Swiss. Why to aim this country in particular ?
30 July 2009 11:52
in North africa: Algeria is classified as number one (the numbers of homosexuals )
in arab world: saoudie arabia , kuweit, lebanon , and Bahrain
the sultan of ommane is homosexual (sultan kabous) they are hypocrit societies most of them are homos secretely but in public pretending to be religious
many gay soudian marry 4 wives because they have to but secretely they are homosexuals

homosexuality is not a taboo nowadays the worst are societies which condamn it while practicing it
preaching others while they don t do what they preach : hypocrit society SOS


Through your posts , I truly believe that u might be a member of MHC (Moroccan homosexual community)
30 July 2009 11:52
What abour bestiality and pédophily? You don't juge because you are not God Almighty? If something is immoral, we juge it immoral, no need to be God.
30 July 2009 11:54
strange man winking smileyif you want to jump choose a short wall not a high one ptdr
free lesson here provided hope you learned it
the shit stabber is you who dares pointing the finger at others

i am your worst nightmare always here to help when its neededevil
30 July 2009 11:55
in North africa: Algeria is classified as number one (the numbers of homosexuals )
in arab world: saoudie arabia , kuweit, lebanon , and Bahrain
the sultan of ommane is homosexual (sultan kabous) they are hypocrit societies most of them are homos secretely but in public pretending to be religious
many gay soudian marry 4 wives because they have to but secretely they are homosexuals

homosexuality is not a taboo nowadays the worst are societies which condamn it while practicing it
preaching others while they don t do what they preach : hypocrit society SOS


Through your posts , I truly believe that u might be a member of MHC (Moroccan homosexual community)

He has been expelled for immorality. He was so trash for them.
30 July 2009 12:03
L'homme Etrange
What abour bestiality and pédophily? You don't juge because you are not God Almighty? If something is immoral, we juge it immoral, no need to be God.

i think you have a big problem in defintion of words or the meaning of them

paedophelia is not like homosexuality
a paedo phile : someone who abuses children not adult(taking advantage of them ) it s a crime which severely condamned by law worldwide
the civil law before the religious law do you understand ?

a homosexual : is an adult who choose his own sexuality with an other adult , they are grown ups , their lifestyle it s my not business can you see the difference ?

for exemple those gay people working with me do you think it is civilized or logically acceptable that i treat them differently or i allow myself to say no you should marry or be with a woman .
no No noas long as they are not harming me or interferring in my life their own life is not my business
when they die i won t be in the grave with them it s between them and their god

hope you undertood my point of view
i am against violence against any human being in the society or racism , as i don t accept that someone behave in a racist way against me and my family because i am a moroccan i don t do that to othersNo no

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 12:11 by marocain-09.
30 July 2009 12:09
L'homme Etrange
in North africa: Algeria is classified as number one (the numbers of homosexuals )


algerians float like shit on waterptdrptdrmy intuitioon always right

i did smell some bad algerian odour in your comment, did you feel hurt when i mentioned algerians shit stabbers ptdrptdr

nice game strangemea / ghayour you are both : the same shit but different flies go tell your fellow homos algerians and do a reunion in this post you will just hear what will make you cry evil

any other pseudos love to fill your ears with sweet words designed specially for scumbags like you grinning smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 12:14 by whatp.
30 July 2009 12:11
L'homme Etrange
in North africa: Algeria is classified as number one (the numbers of homosexuals )
in arab world: saoudie arabia , kuweit, lebanon , and Bahrain
the sultan of ommane is homosexual (sultan kabous) they are hypocrit societies most of them are homos secretely but in public pretending to be religious
many gay soudian marry 4 wives because they have to but secretely they are homosexuals

homosexuality is not a taboo nowadays the worst are societies which condamn it while practicing it
preaching others while they don t do what they preach : hypocrit society SOS


Through your posts , I truly believe that u might be a member of MHC (Moroccan homosexual community)

He has been expelled for immorality. He was so trash for them.

Well That what I am noticing from his posts. He is a typical profile for those kind of communities, a profile who ask for too much freedom of sexuality. The problem is that even the sex they aren't good on it ! they are so powerless in the bed so that they switch to homosexuality !
30 July 2009 12:19
ptdrhaving a dialogue with yourself again ptdrstrange = ghayour don t forget to invite all your gay imaginary friends winking smiley
you seem to have a lot of knowledge about gay sex arent you boutefli9a bum wiper by any chance grinning smiley
30 July 2009 12:23
ptdrhaving a dialogue with yourself again ptdrstrange = ghayour don t forget to invite all your gay imaginary friends winking smiley
you seem to have a lot of knowledge about gay sex arent you boutefli9a bum wiper by any chance grinning smiley

That is too old strategy to escape from the discussion and reality, which is accusing one person havin two pseoudos. You can check with the administration of the forum in order to know if we really have the same IP. Then u go to accuse me to be algerian ? what else ? maybe you may accuse me to marry your sister too ?

Oh man ! wake up ! I am moroccan and too proud of it ! my fight is against homosexual and prostitute and light-hearts ( Dayouth ) who wanna destruct my country. I will follow them till the death no joke !
30 July 2009 12:31
ptdryou forgot an other title: you are a sexually frustrated kuntgrinning smiley i have just read your fantasies about beating up women which reflects your mental status
may be you come from a family with above (homosexual, prostitute, dayouth) i understand ) growing in a family with that type of life style won t give a doctor or a scientist of course the result will be a frustrated sexually looser like you , you are a victim of your childhood i don t blame you
in fact i feel sorry for you crying(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 12:32 by whatp.
30 July 2009 12:32
ptdrhaving a dialogue with yourself again ptdrstrange = ghayour don t forget to invite all your gay imaginary friends winking smiley
you seem to have a lot of knowledge about gay sex arent you boutefli9a bum wiper by any chance grinning smiley

Pathetic strategy guy, you don't have anything else to object? You are paranoïac, accusing all those who disagree with you for being algerian or for having many pseudos.
30 July 2009 12:36
L'homme Etrange
ptdrhaving a dialogue with yourself again ptdrstrange = ghayour don t forget to invite all your gay imaginary friends winking smiley
you seem to have a lot of knowledge about gay sex arent you boutefli9a bum wiper by any chance grinning smiley

Pathetic strategy guy, you don't have anything else to object? You are paranoïac, accusing all those who disagree with you for being algerian or for having many pseudos.

lool , I just laugh too much when he accuse you to be algerian. It is just like who ever is not Dayouth is an algerian !

yal 7mida whoever who does not call for banning the Monkar , he is not considered to be muslim , whatever his nationalty is !
30 July 2009 12:39
No nomay be this will come as a surprise for you , even if your sister was a prostitue , your father a paedo who abused you you struggling with your homoseuality there are some good people out there
no need to market for violence against women and have a lot hate against everyone and having a thrill from beating up a woman as you confessed in the other topic no no no never too late
there are some specialists who could help you show you the light

you see i am a nice friendly bhuda grinning smileyyour story touched me and i gave you free advice

don t stay sexually frustrated until you kill someone seek help dial a free number ptdror visite this website:
www.sexually frustrated Danse
30 July 2009 12:44
No nomay be this will come as a surprise for you , even if your sister was a prostitue , your father a paedo who abused you you struggling with your homoseuality there are some good people out there
no need to market for violence against women and have a lot hate against everyone and having a thrill from beating up a woman as you confessed in the other topic no no no never too late
there are some specialists who could help you show you the light

you see i am a nice friendly bhuda grinning smileyyour story touched me and i gave you free advice

don t stay sexually frustrated until you kill someone seek help dial a free number ptdror visite this website:
www.sexually frustrated Danse

I don't give a damn f$$k of your advices grinning smiley

Islam give me the right to action whenever there is a wrong in my family, it is not a dayouth as whatp who is gonna show me how to behave in my family grinning smiley
30 July 2009 14:52
islam doesn t give any right to kill any one , i think you live in USA you need to obey the law of the country which offered you the right to stay
if you don t play by the rules you pay the price by loosing your freedom Heu
30 July 2009 14:55
islam doesn t give any right to kill any one , i think you live in USA you need to obey the law of the country which offered you the right to stay
if you don t play by the rules you pay the price by loosing your freedom Heu

But do u know that in this country I have the right to protect my family from strangers ?
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