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moroccan government sucks..
13 May 2006 12:50
i am fucking sick being controlled by the MO government coz it is based on bullshit to be honest, there are no strict rules, no strict people, they are just fooling around...and the result is the following: some guy whose father is one of the moroccan leaders, a colonel as far as i know, killed two people in a car crash and just run away with it, and when the survivors witnesses that they have seen the guy who was driving, the father used his connexions in order to get rid of the evidences, he used the police forces( G.U.S) and they attacked the campus (site universitere) they coz a lot of troubles right there, they raped innocent girls although they have veil, fought with students and hit evreyone they see front their ugly face..and shit, i mean when you see some guy who hasn't finshed his midlle school and he feels strong holding a gun and a police signe and hit smart people who are asking for their legal rights, that really sucks...but i guess the king is investigating with each cop involved in this operation and may every accused get the right punishment in thye court of law.

the events took place in the compus at rabat city...
end of transmission
13 May 2006 19:19
dont remind me about that!I'm also sick of it!
What makes me more sick is how can a person call him self Amir ALmou2minine whil he drinks and so on.At the time of the Prophet swt people didnt use to kiss Amir mou2minine's hand.
at that time Amir mou2minine doesnt become a leader because his dady was a Leader.
Sick of it!
14 May 2006 08:23
wa ssir allah ihdik a dak pinduani.

first of all, the father of the guy that caused the accident is not a colonel. the father is a lawyer.

the police didn't try to cover it up. and this event was being instrumentlized by independentist and was way overblown. accident like this happen all the time in every country. people started a riot, and the autorities did their job to the best of their abilities.

the kingdom of morocco is making progress in many fields (freedom of speech, economy), and now the only people that complain are the people that are against progress, the guys that don't want to work hard to earn their bread.

as for Ex-missdoll, M6 doesnt call himself amir al mou2minine. it was his father (i think) who came up with the concept. and because of realpolitik, he is not gonna abolish that tomorrow.

kissing hands used to be our tradition. we kiss the hands of people that we respect (grand parents and parents and fkih ....) in the old days. but we gave it up because it is apparently uncivilized. and now some of us are giving eating with their hands because apparently it is uncivilized too. what else are we gonna give up? and i m not sayin that our traditions shouldnt be changed. but i just wanted to pinpoint that its part of our tradition. moreover, if someone doesnt kiss the king's hand nothing will happen to him. M6 made clear that you are not obliged to do it.

guys if you didnt go to morocco for a while you should go. last time i went i was really surprised, i told my friends that live there that i was surprised by how much change happened in a year. they started laughing and said that morocco changes every two week.

good luck to everyone and hope to see succesfull moroccan all over the world.

any analog, RF IC designer in here????
14 May 2006 20:24
hey again dude, well i just got to know the real facts of the crime that took place last tuesday at madinate al irfane. The guy who cauzed the accident was drunk and under the leagal age, and he killed the cab driver and he called his father who is a big head in the army in order to play with crime scene, like cleaning the car (mercedes 220) that belongs to his father from bear and teengers staff...and fortunatly the peolple who were in the cab suvived and they want to testify and object, and so do the campus students who tried to stop the father and his people from playing the scene of crime and here where the troubles start, the swat forces came and attacked the campus, tried to rape some girls while they were asleep, get them naked, break their staff ( computers, cameras and shit..) what make them spent the night outside the campus and running away from the fear forces because ad a matter of fact i wouldn't call them security forces.

and what is funny by the time morocco has been selected as a new member in the united nations as far as human rights are concerned, the simpl right of sleeping was broke by...

but i still love my country and i will love as far as im still alive, but that doesnot hide the fatcs of the existence of the corruption in the moroccan government

thanks for replying brother
14 May 2006 21:33
the kid was underage, and he was also drunk. but his father was not from the military, he is a lawyer. and the authorities did not try to cover it up. and the taxi driver ran a stop sign. kids drink or steal their parents cars all the time in every single country in the world. and accidents happen.

our hearts goes to the victims of the accident the cab driver and the moroccan from sahrawi origin who was the passenger. i hope the passenger regains all his strengths and wake from the coma very soon.

I also hope that the justice will be served and that the kid will get sentenced to jail time.

Man, these independentist are so desparate. you gotta try harder, the 20th of may is coming and you got nothing to make you believe in your cause. next time, they will say that the moroccan government sucks because they are responsible a drought in the region (my creativity is not that good but you get the point) . Get a grip man, car accidents happens all the time, and handling unjustified riots is a very delicate task.

you gotta admit that things are changing in the country and there is a trend out there trying to improve things. mentalities dont change overnight. life is not just all the time not in morocco, not in any other country. incidents happens, and i start to see that in morocco the authorities takes the initiative to fix them. but this was not in any way an incident. the way you describe it is false.
15 May 2006 02:04
3acha al malikgrinning smileygrinning smiley
15 May 2006 05:54
I think if he was drunk he should be sentenced to a more punishing jail time and penality. If we want to follow the "civilized" country we have to do it right ..

Here for example in the USA, if you hit somebody and u r sober .. u get a hearing and get pnealised of reckless driving. but if you are found drunk, u get sentenced to jail (long tine enough to make your life a misery), community owrk, no driving prioviledge and so on .. You drink, you lose !

A remark : since when we categorize moroccans now ???? As said in the posting : a moroccan from sahraoui origin ?!
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
15 May 2006 06:40
i said " a Moroccan from sahrawi origin" because separatists want to exploit the incident using the victims origins. It was not me who categorized. it's them idiots who want to be separated. anything that has a sahrawi stamp on it, god forbid if something bad happens to cause it is the moroccan gvt that is responsible.

here are some excerpts from about the story

"À l’écriture de ces lignes, l’étudiant sahraoui est toujours dans le coma. À l’approche de la date anniversaire de la création du Polisario (20 mai), l’événement n’a pas échappé à la propagande indépendantiste qui annonce de prochaines manifestations de protestation. À l’heure où nous passons sous presse, la tension n’est toujours pas retombée."

(for those that dont know telquel, it is an weekly magazine that is not tender with the authorities. but what makes it the best selling magazine in the country is that they also know how praise initiative taken by the gvt unlike the many fatalist tabloids in the country).
15 May 2006 07:06
thnx for the source
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
18 May 2006 19:46
Pfff... while reading that news I'm alhamdolilah happy to live in Holland, a democratic country, where injustice gets punished! Moroccan laws suck and police and politicians seem corrupt to me. I hope inshallah that the youngsters will take care of Morocco and make it a democratic country in the future.
19 May 2006 00:09
Sure all wat you said is true, but we can tell that there is a little changes couple years ago. we re moroccans and we need to be proud of our country as everybody does look at the egyptiens they are very proud of Egypt even they are very poor. I know a lot of you will say that i am stupid that's you right to say what do you think but please let's help our country if we live outsite of Morocco let's leave our heart there
[email protected]
20 May 2006 03:05
Some people should ask themselves what they can do for their country before asking what can their country do for them?

It is victimizing ourselves that puts us where we are.

If you open your eyes, you cannot deny that things are moving in morocco. They are at least moving. but people have a different opinion in which direction they are moving.

A text for your own eyes interpret it however you want:

“Concerned by failed roadmaps, disappointing election results, rising religious extremism, and
persistent terrorism, the international community looks to Morocco as a favored place in the
Arab world where reform is working. Morocco has achieved this status among Americans,
Europeans, and others for a number of reasons. First, the government of Morocco appears to
be moving toward reform on its own, especially in the areas of human rights, women’s rights,
liberalization of speech, and decentralization. Through its words and deeds, the Moroccan
government—from the king to the parliament, and down to local officials—has indicated
deep interest in reform.”

Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies
21 May 2006 17:25
Sure all wat you said is true, but we can tell that there is a little changes couple years ago. we re moroccans and we need to be proud of our country as everybody does look at the egyptiens they are very proud of Egypt even they are very poor. I know a lot of you will say that i am stupid that's you right to say what do you think but please let's help our country if we live outsite of Morocco let's leave our heart there
[email protected]

I never said that I'm not proud of Morocco. I love Morocco, the country, but I don't love the mentality of the Moroccan folk. I'm proud of being a Moroccan, although I've been born and raised in Holland. I would never deny my Moroccan roots! But I'm not proud of the politicians nor the king, because there is still a lot of injustice going on that doesn't seem to change. I think it's mostly because of the mentality of the Moroccan people. But I must admit that I hear stories that Morocco is improved! Especially in the southern part of Morocco. How did that happen? Is the northern part of Morocco still limited in their thinking?

In the future inshallah I will try to help Morocco in my own little way. smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/21/2006 05:55 by Tifah.
22 May 2006 22:41
right now morocco has given me nothing..nothing.i belong from morocco.and a card ID to stop me every time and asks me who i am ...few months ago i were in public gameroom .and the police come in .they start inspect us when they found nothing they threathen us to go sleep even it was only 19.25..i tried to find explantation to those behaviours..i find there no logical reason to excuse those hetler follower.if i get the chance to escape i will do it to no where..everywhere is a good place than to live in here.but thanks god im going to leave .to the usa maybe its diffrent there
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