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moroccan haragha(illegal immigrants)
25 May 2006 15:33
How do you deal with them ?
Do you feel sorry for them?
Do you feel jealous of them?
Do you wish they get sent back home?
Do you help them?
Let your true feelings speak
25 May 2006 15:50
they think that they'll get a better life over here and at the end they regret (i speak for the people i met)
they can never get their papers unless they marry a woman who has the nationality of the country they're in. thats the only way.Can't get back to the homeland, cant get a real job

I know this guy whos algerian and when he walks in the streets he always i mean ALWAYS looks behind him scared of the police askin for his papers.His mom died 2 months ago and he couldnt go back for the "gnaza".He doesnt have a REAL job, he's just workin here and there for 2 bucks.

I know life in Morocco is far from bein easy but Id rather eat bread and olives and sleep at night peacefully, than be paranoid and be scared that the cops come kickin at my door.But thats just me!
25 May 2006 17:16
How do you deal with them ?
Do you feel sorry for them?
Do you feel jealous of them?
Do you wish they get sent back home?
Do you help them?
Let your true feelings speak

Yes, I sometimes do feel sorry for them and would've helped them if I could. There are times when I don't feel sorry for them at all. And that is when they use naive Dutch women just to get their papers. I even heard stories of people who are offering themselfs to help them get their papers, but in return they ask money for their "service". It's a pity that these things happen. I really feel sorry for them, but it doesn't mean that the 'grass is greener' in Europe.
25 May 2006 19:51
If you are talking about illegal immigrants here in US

How do you deal with them ? _________________
just like an human being!

Do you feel sorry for them? _________________

Yes I do feel sorry for them !but the thing is illegal immigrants of US can have live better than those in Europe.Us immigration dont deport them unless they commit a crime or if they r clean they wont be deported.they can work(not real jobs ) but at least they can work in some gyros..but mostly in muslim owners restaurant or so on.
Some friend of my sister's family in law are in an illegal status(parents,4 boys and 1 girl).they bought a nice house in a nice neighborhood they work..What I mean is that even if they dont work real jobs but they fine they earn enough money to pay their bills and save for the futur.
one of the boys got married to get his green card and then once he got it he joined the army so that he can go to college for free. another one got married to my sister's friend and the rest of them r working.The girl is in the highschool she just graduated
its just to say that here they can leave in peace even if they dont have papers even if they are in illegal status.

Do you feel jealous of them? _________________
I didnt get the question actually cuz in general its illegal immigrant who feel jealous from those who are in legal status.

Do you wish they get sent back home? _________________

Of course no. what are they gona do there? NOTHING! at least here they can live in peace work feed their families....

Do you help them? _________________
I never met any but my sister do!
25 May 2006 20:10
Yes, at first one would feel sorry for them. But now, with the information available to them through TV and accounts from those who crossed, they can't plead ignorance anymore. They know what they're getting themselves into.
I've spoken to people in my parents neighbourhood, told them about the hardships, made calculations on cost of living, salaries...etc to demonstrate that Europe is no longer a viable solution, told them about the near impossibility for them to get any documents given the new drastic laws... they think I'm lying or trying to deceive them.
The truth is I don't feel sorry anymore, they don't achieve anything and in the process they damage the image of Morocco and Moroccans who are settled here. And before you jump the gun, it's not a selfish reaction, it's a pragmatical one, they spend up to 9000 € to get here, now wouldn't it be smarter to start something out there instead ? I actually saw an advert on a moroccan website from a woman who was offering 7000 € for marriage + plane tickets + accommodation and expenses in Morocco for the duration of the administrative process to any french citizen. How stupid is that ?
I also agree with Tifah, I'm sick of having to defend Moroccans because of the stories of deception about marriage for papers.
Finally, I wish our governement would launch a large campaign, subsidize movies about this, to explain again and again what awaits those who cross illegally. Morocco is bleeding its youth, the best and the brightest are sometimes among them and they rarely come back, but the bulk of them end up hurting themselves and us in the process.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2006 05:40 by chelhman.
26 May 2006 15:09
I think young moroccan who decide move overseas, it's only because they don't find jobs and nobody could be again that's it's too hard for a person older than more 20 years live with no money.
For many of them, europe and us means a dream, and they think that's is easy find jobs and win money.
If, I have an advice, its' that morocco is wonderful countrie and a lot of thing can be doing there.
Good luck.
26 May 2006 16:04
in ur dreams,morocco is very hard without connections! the unemployment rate is very high..100dollars is the salary in the month in morocco

ofcourse europe is very hard,but its easier than morocco to get a job much eassier.
26 May 2006 16:12
Sorry, but only low salary in morocco represent at least 170 dollars per month.
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