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Moroccan History
9 September 2006 23:02
If you like to know more about Moroccan history, here’s a good site for that. You’ll find 13 pages with video clips from important times in Moroccan not so distant history. From Mohamed V, to Hassan 2, Colonialism, the war of 63 and even a nice video about Said Aouita and a great old documentary about Essaouira, Mogador, then.

11 September 2006 01:37
Thanks for the link, I've watched some of them already, very interesting.
11 September 2006 13:05
Let me give you a little advice, most Morrocans from the public schools know only a part or an "adapted" version of history...
Because the people who made the books and manuals used in the basic schools had to deal with political pressures (important ones) and the real "agents" charged to "confirm" and give their authorization to use these books werent historians, but rather normal officials sent by the interior's department...

So, if you see a Morrocan disagreing with you on a proven part of the Morrocan history... dont be shocked... Angel
13 September 2006 16:43
thank you for the link ,It seem be intersting.

For LeMask, now, if anybody is motivated to learn more and more about moroccan history, he can do that without problem. thank to the net. We have all we need and more that we need in the net.
13 September 2006 17:44
thank you for the link ,It seem be intersting.

For LeMask, now, if anybody is motivated to learn more and more about moroccan history, he can do that without problem. thank to the net. We have all we need and more that we need in the net.
you speak about your or me? or any morrocan?

i personnaly dont care a lot about the "elite", i'm more interested in the majority, and the majority dont have access to internet, or just to a computer...

but anyway, you are right... learn about history on the net... but what for false sources... learn to recognize the false from the true...
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