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Moroccan nuclear power project approved
9 March 2006 20:36
Dude, you have a big issue with the moroccan regime and that is something I can understand if the topic was US/France VS Poor countries, half moroccans have issues with the moroccan regime for a reason or another, so no surprise. You have another issue with the "Ïmperialist" America and France and the way they deal with developing countries. Good. But this is not what we are discussing here. Not only that, you also seem to have an issue with Moroccan scientists, I do not see why you would pick on them, why do you think a moroccan nuclear scientist working at MIT will not do at least an equal job working for his homeland? This is beyond my comprehension. And may be this is why we are still under developped.

you want your kids to breath chemicals, fine. you seem to be talking in unit of centuries. With the greenhouse effect, we might not get to those centuries. We will with no doubt have to close down the shop and move out to a different planet after we heat up the earth and burn down the place. this is a worldwide consensus among all the "sane" scientists. You have probably followed this debate in the US...

You say "about oil, it is and will be always the best source of energy ever found on this planet."

I say Amen. If you really think that, either you or I do not have a clue about the ongoing human scientific odyssey that has been happening for the last 400 years and the inventions that always destroyed an entire industry to create a new one out of new techniques, new innovations and new uses.

Be assured that while we are talking here, new sources of energy besides nuclear or oil are being tested for military or civil use. It is just a matter of time before Oil is replaced by something cheaper and cleaner. Before that happens, I do believe that nuclear is cleaner than burning oil in the air for us to breath.

For the rest of your message, I think indeed it is better to stop presenting argument against argument, you will not change your mind and I won't change mine, the close future will show us where all the countries will be leaning to as to alternative energies...

As of teaching me how to speak moroccan, it looks that you like to "teach" the "ignorants" a little bit too much. I like to learn but from this first impression, I really do not think you can teach me anything, no offense... All I have to say is that I hope you re not a scientist (especially among the ones in the nuclear field) because if moroccan scientists had a patronizing attitude like yours towards somebody who happens to have another point of view, we would be drinking water from the sea..

And being moslim or not has nothing to do with this conversation, sorry I don't see your point... (again)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2006 08:38 by zaki7.
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