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Moroccan Rock band project
4 December 2020 21:31
Hi everyone,
I'm a Mkroccan from Mohammedia, actually living in spain.
I have been writing songs in darija for a few years now, I believe lyrics and compositions are of a good quality but unfortunately I don't play any instrument and can't bring my songs to see the light.
If any musicians with rock, gnawa, blues, Reggae inspirations are interested, I can make him listen to some of it and see how it goes.
Believe me, it's nothing like the garbage out there back home.
Thanks in advance
4 December 2020 21:44
Je vais passer ça sous Google translate et je te réponds dès que c'est traduit.?
4 December 2020 21:46
4 December 2020 21:49
Me revoilà comme promis.
Bon,je vais être direct et transparent avec toi,ca sent pas bon ho non?

Alors,si j'en crois la traduction,tu est un Gnawa et tu cherches les coquillages que tu mets dans les cheveux longs et que tu aurais perdu.

As tu essayé d'en retrouver les mêmes sur les plages d'El jadida?
4 December 2020 21:58
ptdr google trad est de mieux en mieux apparemment ptdr
4 December 2020 21:59
Hi there,

If you're looking for a band (lead+solo guitars, bass, drums or whatever else) you might get more results on a website dedidacted to... music and bands, like bandfinder, joinmyband, join-a-band.

Good luck
4 December 2020 22:08
Walach maktabtich bidarija?
Kandil Sbaii
Hi everyone,
I'm a Mkroccan from Mohammedia, actually living in spain.
I have been writing songs in darija for a few years now, I believe lyrics and compositions are of a good quality but unfortunately I don't play any instrument and can't bring my songs to see the light.
If any musicians with rock, gnawa, blues, Reggae inspirations are interested, I can make him listen to some of it and see how it goes.
Believe me, it's nothing like the garbage out there back home.
Thanks in advance
4 December 2020 22:24
Il dit qu’il écrit des chansons en darija et il nous écrit en anglais.
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