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Moroccan students and the internet.....!!!!!!
13 June 2007 00:44
One of the amazing inventions of twentieth century is the internet. It has invaded all the domains in Morocco, economy, politics, communication and education, one of the social group that have profit from this phenomenon are Moroccan students who were in need of source of knowledge that could in be easily reached and cheap means of communication.
The internet began to spread in Morocco in the 1995, but it was slow because of its expense. However, in the 1999, there was large spread of cyber-clubs in each neighborhood of the country. This invasion of cyber-club enabled many students to get access to the internet. This social group is the major user of the internet. Therefore, we shall concentrate on the way students use the internet and it effects on their studies.
It is well-known that books were the principal source of knowledge, but the problem is their expensiveness and unavailability. Therefore, students change their orientation towards the internet as replacing source of knowledge for the following reasons. The internet is a cheap means of knowledge, you can get access to the web and search for any subject in rapid way, print it and pay only 4 to 5 Dirhams. And if you have internet at home, which costs 150 Dhs per month (15 Euro) you will be so free to read the topics on the screen and select the parts in which you are interested. This is the way in finding subjects and issues, and let move to talk on how the internet affects the students’ level of studies.
It is certain that the internet has made access to source of knowledge so easy, but it has also made students dependent on the internet. Sometimes, students make researches and give them as homeworks to their teachers without reading them at all. And this makes students, not all, lazy and unable to use the internet in the correct way. Moreover, they sometimes stay in front of the computer to make research, but they begin to chat. The hour which is supposed to be for research changes to an hour of amusement. But this is not a general case. As far as I am concerned, I have so much profited from the internet in my education, especially I can afford the expanse of the entire book I need and the time to stay in university library as it is far from home. Besides, I have profited from the internet to communicate with my family cheaply and easily.
We can not say that the internet rests a universal Source knowledge to all students so effective and rewarding if we oriented our use of it.
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