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moroccans in Amherst , MA
18 September 2007 04:19
salam everybodywinking smiley,
Ramadan karim to all of u.
I wanna know if there are any moroccans in Amherst town in Massachusetts, USA. I met people from different nationalities but no Moroccans. Where are u?(tm)
19 September 2007 07:40
there are moroccan buddies everywhere in the world my friend, just look around
19 September 2007 14:21
Speak of the devil ...
22 September 2007 22:43
i don't get what u said Hicham-A
23 September 2007 00:32
well well..

"speak of the devil" is a very known phrase or proverb and it's a reference to someone who appears unexpectedly while being talked about ...

i used this as a joke actually meaning that moroccans might be close and they will appear once you talk about them ...and certainly not to mean that moroccans are devils... quoi que smiling smiley ...
24 September 2007 01:56
thnx for the clarification. ur right "quand on parle du loup"
thank you
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