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For Moroccans in the UK, Beware of BMCE Bank
11 August 2009 02:26
Dear users, Beware of BMCE Bank it doesn't have the rights to sell its banking products nor to advertise them in the UK, as they are representative office, which means they have a very limited ways to address to clients, please check this website to find out if the said bank is licensed and you will find that it's not, unlike banque populaire who indeed is there. (in the search by name area enter the name BMCE BANK YOU WILL GET NO RESULTS).

Click to search the FSA database

While all the financial institutions must be registered with FSA in order to safeguard the interest of clients from dodgy firms in term of, opening accounts, offering mortgages,insurance and advice. Unfortunately the BMCE BANK unlike Banque populaire seems careless. This justifies their irresponsibility towards Moroccan clients.

So don't be reckless by dealing with this miserable bank, as It was an appalling experience since I opened my account with them in order to send money to my personal BMCE account and discover after 1 year that, on every transfer there is 124 dhs hidden charges That (doesn't even appear in the bank statement) + other charges such as (agios) (frais de tenue de compte), and when I called the office in London they said that these charges don't apply for Moroccan living abroad's account and therefore pretend that's due to system error and even say that's and they will be paying back all my money, but unfortunately until now I have never heard from them.

Anyone who has been a victim of BMCE Bank may seek compensation and could report its tricky services to the FSA (Financial Service Authority) by fill in this form (Unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK.
here is the address:

Click here to submit a calim to the FSa if you have been a victim of BMCE Bank

Source: (Moroccan Community Forum in the UK)
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