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Moroccans celebrate Obama's Inauguration
22 January 2009 18:13
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Part of wave of celebration for Pres. Barack Obama's inauguration, the Arab American Institute (AAI) organized a dinner/ show/ ball that was partly sponsored by the Moroccan American Center and drew a capacity crowd from around the country. Various celebrities attended, including a brief

the Moroccan American community members were present in force and were busy networking and talking up the idea of president Barack Obama speaking in Morocco. Of those that were pitched was Antony Lake, an Prez. Obama foreign policy adviser, who sounded positive about Morocco as a speech host.
"Moroccan Americans are one of the most dynamic group within our community, they have come a long way in such a short time, it is a success story" said president of AAI, Dr. James J. Zogby.

Reporters and Television crews were set-up near the Fairmont Hotel ballroom where Producers pulled over passersby for comment on U.S. foreign policy. the newly appointed Transportation Secretary ray lahood gave a brief speech. The highlight of the evening was the standup comedy show performed by two of “The axis of Evil Comedy Show" nationally known veterans Dean Obeidallah and Aron Kader whose show brought down the house with laughter.
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