it’s said Moroccans have the flirt of languages. it does not take long for a Moroccan to learn the language of the country he moved to. more astonishing, he can acquire the native accent and use it with easiness till the point you can differ which’s which by only looking at the person’s features? i was told by a friend who recently visited Morocco how he was astonished to know that a hotel staff could speak more than 6 languages. is it really a flirt of languages or a must to gain our bread and butter?
it s both : a must to be able to communicate with the outside world , and a flirt of languages either ways it s something positive it broadens our horizen, and make us more open minded
i am sure english people notice that your accent is foreign despite mastering englisg , if you are not born in a country it s impossible to get rid of your origins accent
Quote faisal28 i am sure english people notice that your accent is foreign despite mastering englisg , if you are not born in a country it s impossible to get rid of your origins accent
despite Arnold Schwarzenegger has been living in Usa for many years, he still speak English with Austrian accent. Mais ça ce n’est pas une régle générale. en plus, i strongly believe no one is struggling to get rid of his origin accent because it’s a honor and pride to keep your customs that may refer to your origin and where you came from. only people who look down to themselves try to color their faces white in attempt to disguise their origins.
trust me there is absolutely no difference between mine and an english one they keep asking how did i learn it so quick mind you i ve been here for 8 years now ib ve bben working with english people