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Moroccans hail "miracle worker" source BBC
7 February 2007 16:59
taking a time-out from politics... here is an interesting piece of news

7 February 2007 22:32

the power of superstition cannot be underestimated.

This is the big problem for Morocco's development and modernity. But the governement is also responsable for this situation.

God save Morocco.
8 February 2007 01:28
the governement must stop thise criminals who steel the money from the people..its a shame
8 February 2007 13:11
Maybe you are right, but sometimes it is the only hope our people have. Before stoping this the government should change their policy regarding education and health... but this is cultural, these practices have existed in morocco for ages... I doubt any moroccan can admit he/she has never gone to one of theses guys, to bring good luck, get a better job, or cast away the "evil eye", etc...
8 February 2007 23:40
May I bring to your kind attention that this kind of beliefs exist all around the world. What about pilgrimalge to Lourdes in France where people hope to be cured of deadly deseases? What about those who say that Pope John Paul II has cured them of cancer? What about gurus in Asia, America and other parts of the world who have tremendous success selling their "holy" power?
9 February 2007 19:29
We will always live in a world of superstitions, no matter what happens. What is indeed serious is the fact that some people stop taking medicine and only lean on these healers, I suppose that is waht we should worry about.
16 February 2007 19:40
Maybe you are right, but sometimes it is the only hope our people have. Before stoping this the government should change their policy regarding education and health... but this is cultural, these practices have existed in morocco for ages... I doubt any moroccan can admit he/she has never gone to one of theses guys, to bring good luck, get a better job, or cast away the "evil eye", etc...

It's the only help our people Have yawning smiley. Are serious Riffman? The only help that remains in this case is the help of God and beleiving that those stupid khoza3bilate can help is absurd. What makes me angry is that they use the name of God and Coran to justify their ser9a!

Best regards,
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