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Moroccans vr Others
7 June 2006 20:40
Salam everyone..
I have been watching many programms on TV or even in real life..From My experiences in and out Morocco...I notice that Moroccans give more value and Attention to Foreignors..even makay swa 7ta Bassla...Just because he is not Moroccan, He or she is woww..which is very very bad because we don't receive the same things from them..I have seen a lot of negative things from others towards Moroccans in Specialy Midle eastern or Gulf people..They think moroccan can't do anything,and they are the best which is the opposite and that is the result, because we don't give ourselves values .I just wanna know what the causes that make us are negative among moroccans..thanks
7 June 2006 21:20
Moroccan TV shows Moroccans as stupid and don't have their independance yet from france, imagine I watch 2 M and I like to see stuff from my beloved country, but I was about to vome when I found them talking about brad pitt, and they act like is something big for them for knowing those from hollywood,
7 June 2006 21:31
Mima said :

<<Moroccan TV shows Moroccans as stupid and don't have their independance yet from france, imagine I watch 2 M and I like to see stuff from my beloved country, but I was about to vome when I found them talking about brad pitt, and they act like is something big for them for knowing those from hollywood>>

Count your blessings, I only have access to the RTM, I'm starving for movies in darija and all they show is egyptian movies and the same old moroccan TV series over and over again. Being the national TV, You'd think they'd promote our national productions, what the hell do I care about some egyptian movie that I don't understand anyway ?
7 June 2006 21:46
an the moste thing that i hate,that they always talk in french..they dont understand that many moroccans abroad dont understand french they dont care..

an egytian movies,from 1966..i hate all the movies an serial from have to know how much movies there are made in morocco,thousends,but they dont broadcast them.i dont know why
7 June 2006 23:44
a friend told that his brother used to build the transmitors for that channel as well as Medi 1 he worked for that TVM since he was 16 till he died . he told me that when they put the file for a new TV(2M) at that time the KING HASSAN ZOOJ threw the file at the person who handed it. to him he was scared it would make people start to hate the regim as if everyone liked him anyway. Tfoo

the channel is French and backed by the governement who try so hard to make people act and live the same way they are ordered. following French GAYS AND LESBIYAN CULTURE
All Arabic channels are junk except he Islamic ones.
I never liked the Moroccan channels but sadly I have no option now because the English ones have too much filt in them and the French are the most evil ones nothing but dirt and sex.
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