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Moroccans in Spain.
15 February 2008 23:25
Madrid, Feb. 15 - Moroccans represent the first community of expatriates in Spain with some 848,735 legal residents in 2007, while according to some NGO's estimates, there are also between 500,000 and 600,000 illegal Moroccan migrants living in Spain.

According to the latest population census, carried out by the Permanent center for Migration on December 31, 2007, there were 2.9 million foreigners holding residence cards in Spain, i.e. 957,000 more than in 2006.

The British community comes second with 603,889 legal residents, followed by the Romanians (395,808 migrants).

The Moroccan community in Spain is made up of men and young people (average age: 27.5 years), while women make up 36%. There are 152,000 Moroccan children and teenagers (90,000 born in Spain and those who joined their parents as part of the family reunification system).

55% of Moroccans live in Spain with a permanent residence card (345,000) and more than 22% of these people have renewed their first stay card.

Geographically, the Moroccans choose Catalonia (311,475), notably Barcelona (226,895). Andalusia (south) hosts the second largest Moroccan community (95,311), notably in the agricultural region of Almeria (38,000) and Malaga (21,000).

After Catalonia and Andalusia, Madrid comes third with 69,000 Moroccans, followed by Murcia (62,400) and Valencia (56,000 Moroccans).
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