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moroccans in Spain and Italy
8 July 2009 10:28
as we all know moroccans in Spain and Italy are the victims of the economic crisis they are unskillful labour mainly works in agriculture or facturies doing manual jobs which doesn t require any IT qualifications or degrees , i have watched on moroccan Television angry moroccan community living in those two countries blaming the moroccan government,
in your opinion what could morocco do bearing in mind that unemployment is number one problem in morocco ?
are they asking too much of a third world country struggling with it s own problems ? moody smileyand has no means to employ young people living in the country ?what sort of help they are expecting from their country of origin ?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/08/2009 10:35 by printemps1.
8 July 2009 10:43
well let s make it clear
who told them to go over there anyway
it was their choice
so they either stay there and wait for the end of the crisis or they can come back to moroccoHeu
(lcrisis raha 3la l3alam kamel machi ghir 3lihoum bouhdhoum)
8 July 2009 11:06
I did watch the same thing on 2M & the way i see it is Morocco benefited when these people left & invested back in the country ....the government needs to support these people by standing on their side when they are discriminated against in Spain by helping their associations & by putting some pressure on the Spanish government after all they are the Moroccans who worked hard in Almeria & the rest of Spain
to make it the garden of Europe & now they being offered peanut to leave ....

I guess what they are after is more of a morale support from their own people & some one to stand for their right most of them have financial support from their families they have supported in the good day ! or businesses they have put in place others are very bringing second hands goods & selling them in Morocco where they are earning now ,they did adapt but the support is needed with their children's education,these kids were in Spanish schools & now the financial crisis forced their parents to bring them back home & if no support is provided they will be lost ....
8 July 2009 11:08
8 July 2009 11:11

what do you mean ? you want them to be left like that ? who will pick up the pieces ? they are handreds of thousands some with families ..
8 July 2009 11:12
who s talking to you mate????
everyone is free to say his opinion okevil
8 July 2009 11:35
who s talking to you mate????
everyone is free to say his opinion okevil

i'am sorry i thought we debated here ! i should leave you to carry on .....have a nice day
8 July 2009 13:23
in my opinion the only help that morocco could offer is moral support and guidance
but financially i think it will be difficult
most people who are suffering i think people with temporary visas, for those who settled in those two countries for years they have the right to the help from the governement of countries which welcomed them in the first place
8 July 2009 13:30
there are people in morocco who beg , children who sleep in the street , in worst situations than those seasonal immigrants so it doesn t make sense that morocco give them anything , priority to the people inside not outside Cool
8 July 2009 13:48
exactelythumbs up
oh finally someone who does understand megrinning smiley
thank you mateWelcome
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