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27 February 2007 23:11
27 February 2007


This advice has been reviewed and reissued with amendments to the Crime section and Road safety section (increase in crime & road accidents). The overall level of the advice has not changed.


There is a high threat from terrorism in Morocco. A series of terrorist attacks took place on 16 May 2003 in Casablanca.

Morocco has a poor road safety record. Accidents are frequent, especially on busy major routes. The main road from Agadir to Marrakesh via Imi’n Tanoute and Chichaoua has been reported as particularly hazardous.

If you are travelling to Western Sahara, please see our separate Travel Advice covering this disputed territory.

Around 200,000 British nationals visit Morocco each year. Most visits are trouble-free. The main types of incident for which British nationals require consular assistance in Morocco are for replacing lost and stolen passports. There are occasional incidents involving theft at knifepoint in the major cities and along beaches, violent crime, though not a major problem in Morocco, is growing.

We strongly recommend that you obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. You should check any exclusions, and that your policy covers you for the activities you want to undertake. Please see: Travel Insurance.



There is a high threat from terrorism in Morocco. In May 2003, 45 people were killed in a series of terrorist attacks in Casablanca. These attacks were against relatively soft targets, including hotels and restaurants frequented by foreigners or those with Jewish links. Although the Moroccan authorities arrested and imprisoned a number of those considered to be responsible for the attacks, there is a high threat of further attacks. In August 2006, the Moroccan authorities arrested a number of individuals allegedly plotting to attack a number of targets, including noticeably Western interests.

You should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, which could be against civilian targets, including places frequented by foreigners. Please read "Risk of Terrorism when Travelling Overseas" and "Security and General Tips" pages on the FCO website for further information and advice.


Violent crime is not a major problem in Morocco, but it is growing. There are occasional incidents involving theft at knifepoint in the major cities and along beaches. Two European residents were killed in their home in Rabat during the night of 17/18 September 2006, apparently during a break-in. There has also been an increase in reports of other violent attacks, including some shootings, and of car jacking in Casablanca. Whilst driving, you should avoid stopping at the side of the road and drive defensively, with vehicle doors locked and windows closed at all times. Do not attempt to escape from hijackers or resist their demands.

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and bag snatching, continues to increase. Crime and aggressive begging near ATM machines are increasing. Credit card fraud and scams such as substituting inferior goods for those that were actually purchased are common. Intimidation is sometimes used to force customers to purchase goods. You should remain vigilant and alert to potential confidence tricks.

You should avoid run down areas and badly lit streets in areas such as the medina. If offered the services of a guide, you should ensure that the guide is authorised by or operating with the agreement of the local tourist authorities, and displays an official badge. Harassment of tourists by men posing as official tourist guides is common.

Political Situation

Morocco Country Profile

Travellers to Morocco should be aware of the impact that the situation in Iraq, as well as the violence between Israelis and Palestinians, has had across the Arab world and the risk of public disturbance in response. You should follow news reports and be alert to developments in the Middle East that might trigger public disturbances. You should take sensible precautions for your personal safety and avoid public gatherings and demonstrations. Any increase in regional tension might affect Travel Advice.

Road Safety

Morocco has a poor road safety record. According to the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and Transport, road accidents claimed the lives of 3,600 people in 2006 (an increase of over 4% on 2005) and seriously injured more than 12,000. Over 56,000 accidents were recorded during the same period (an increase of over 5% on 2005). Accidents are especially frequent on busy major routes but also on narrower secondary roads. All drivers should take extra care when overtaking, particularly where there are no hard shoulders. You are advised to leave plenty of time to reach your destination and to stay well within speed limits.

If you are involved in a road accident resulting a fatality and the Moroccan authorities consider you responsible, you may be detained pending a trial hearing.

If your are involved in a minor accident, you should complete a 'Constat Amiable' form, to be signed by both parties. The blank forms are available upon arrival at the Tangier port from the insurance company booths, or can be purchased from tobacconists in all cities.


Local laws reflect the fact that Morocco is a Muslim country. You should respect local customs and sensitivities at all times, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas.

Women, especially when travelling alone, will attract attention. To minimise hassle, you should dress inconspicuously and avoid wearing clothes that could be regarded as provocative (eg short skirts and low-necked strappy tops), except on the beach.

Homosexuality is considered a criminal offence in Morocco. Sexual relations outside marriage are also punishable by law.

British nationals travelling to Morocco with a view to marrying a Moroccan should, before they travel, contact either the British Consulate in Tangier or the Consular Section of the British Embassy in Rabat to enquire about the documentation they will need to provide.

The penalties for possession of even small amounts of drugs are severe: up to 10 years’ imprisonment, with no remission for good behaviour, heavy fines and confiscation of your vehicle/vessel. If you travel through the Rif Mountains, a major cannabis growing area, you may be harassed by drug dealers.

It is against the law to carry bibles in Arabic, to attempt to distribute any non-Muslim/evangelical literature or be involved in any such activity.


British nationals do not require entry visas to Morocco for the purpose of tourism. If intending to enter for any other purpose, you are advised to check with the Moroccan Representation in the UK.

If you intend to travel to the disputed territories to the South of Morocco, you should consult our separate Travel Advice for Western Sahara.

You should also be aware that the border between Algeria and Morocco is closed, and no attempt should be made to cross it at any point.

Your passport will need to be valid for at least six months after your entry into Morocco. When entering the country, particularly during the busy summer months, you should ensure that your passports are stamped. You will then be able to stay in Morocco for up to three months. Some tourists have experienced difficulties leaving the country because their passports bear no entry stamp.

Single parents or other adults travelling alone with children should be aware that some countries require documentary evidence of parental responsibility before allowing lone parents to enter the country or, in some cases, before permitting the children to leave the country. For further information on exactly what will be required at immigration please contact the Moroccan Embassy in London.

When arriving by private boat, you must enter the country by a recognised port of entry. Entry through other ports will be considered illegal. For specific details, contact the Moroccan Representation in the UK before travel.


We strongly recommend that you obtain comprehensive travel and medical insurance before travelling. You should check any exclusions, and that your policy covers you for the activities you want to undertake. Please see: Travel Insurance.

You should seek medical advice before travelling and ensure that all appropriate vaccinations are up to date. For further information on health, check the Department of Health’s website at: DoH: Health Advice To Travellers.


Morocco is in an earthquake zone and earthquakes, usually minor ones, occur occasionally. But a strong earthquake hit northern Morocco around the port town of Al Hoceima on 24 February 2004, killing more than 600 people. You should familiarise yourself with general safety procedures in the event of an earthquake and take note of any earthquake-related instructions, eg in hotel rooms.


If things go wrong when overseas, please see: What We Can Do To Help.

When insuring your vehicle, it is advisable to choose a company with a local representative.


You should bring sufficient funds for the visit in cash, travellers' cheques or credit cards. There is no limit on the amount you can import. Most major credit cards are accepted in the larger urban centres throughout Morocco. However, it is not possible to change Scottish or Irish bank notes. The Moroccan Dirham is non-convertible and its export is prohibited. ATMs are widely available in cities and most main towns. If you enter Morocco with a vehicle, the registration number will be entered in the immigration computer. If you are not in possession of the same vehicle when leaving Morocco, you will be refused exit and detained
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