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Morocco a centre for torture.
22 May 2009 09:24
These facts are well documented, they implicate many countries most of them "Muslim", including Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and above all Morocco, where over a thousand so called "suspect terrorists" have been shipped for torture. In fact no ones knows the real figure. No one knows how many died in secret prisons. The true figure may never be known.


Military Attorney: Waterboarding is ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

By David Edwards and Muriel Kane

May 21, 2009 "Rawstory" May 20, 2009 --- A military attorney who represented a now-freed Guantanamo detainee told CNN on Wednesday that waterboarding is only “the tip of the iceberg”

Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Yvonne Bradley was the lawyer for Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian national who was arrested by the Pakistani government in April 2002 on suspicion of being a member of al Qaeda. He was then shuffled through a series of CIA “ghost prisons” before being imprisoned at Guantanamo for five years. Last winter, President Obama ordered him released to the United Kingdom, where he had been a legal resident.

Bradley told CNN that when she was first assigned to represent Mohamed, she did not question he was a hardened terrorist, because “my government was saying these were the worst of the worst.” However, she now says, “There’s no reliable evidence that Mr. Mohamed was going to do anything to the United States.”

According to Bradley, when Mohamed was first held at a CIA prison in Morocco, “They started this monthly treatment where they would come in with a scalpel or a razor type of instrument and they would slash his genitals, just with small cuts.”

Following that torture, Mohamed confessed that he had attended an al Qaeda training camp and discussed plans to make a dirty bomb. He also answered “No” to the question, “While in U.S. military custody have you been treated in any way that you would consider abusive?”

Now Bradley believes, “This has nothing to do about national security, it has to do with national embarrassment.”

In February, when Mohamed was still being held at Guantanamo, she wrote an opinion piece for the Guardian saying, “It is worth bearing in mind that all charges against Binyam have been dropped and that Binyam’s chief prosecutor resigned, citing the unfairness of the system. I profoundly hope that he is not being kept in Guantánamo to avoid information surrounding his rendition and torture coming out.”
1 June 2009 10:18
where look mate what you re talking about here is biiiiiiiiiiiigNo no
1 June 2009 15:39
madir ydik fghirane maya3douke 7nouchaptdr
what an ethiopian whos been granted asylum in UK been doing in afghanistan and pakistan, a pic nic i guess
may be there is no evidence he was a fighter there but we should not forget that hundreds of somalians , ethiopian algerians , saoudian volonteered in 80 and 90 to go to do jihad in afghanistan and those with legal residence in europe are selected to be trained to carry out terrorist attacks in the country where they reside
in my opinion innocent people if proven they should release them but the guilty ones they loose automatically any human rights and even if they skin them alive no problem smiling smiley
when a person in a coward way plan to kill civilians and destroy the name of religion , he looses his humanity and deserve the best torture techniques ever invented smiling smiley
1 June 2009 17:38
that s rightthumbs up
4 June 2009 21:11

Torturing Democracy

The Documentary PBS Does Not Want You to See Before Jan 21, 2009

Posted 12/09/2009

Video and Transcript

"Torturing Democracy" is a new documentary which details how the government set aside the rule of law in its pursuit of harsh interrogations of suspected terrorists.

…“I really found this documentary, ‘Torturing Democracy,’ very, very disturbing.

“Americans who've been waiting for someone to graphically connect the dots between the legal memos justifying torture, abuse of prisoners at Guantanamo and beyond, and the consequences for the moral standing of this nation, need look no further. It's all here. ‘Torturing Democracy’ should engender the same mass outrage as the 2004 photos from Abu Ghraib.” - Dahlia Lithwick, Slate

Annotated Transcript
The annotated transcript of "Torturing Democracy" provides the script of every word spoken during the 90-minute documentary, backed up with specific citations, footnotes and links, and includes documentation for the dramatizations in the film. Posting the annotated transcript allows viewers to check the facts for themselves, and enables researchers to build on the reporting to take the story even further. To download this 385k file in PDF format, click here.
8 June 2009 10:56
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