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Morocco Hooks Up Mosques To TV
22 June 2006 01:24
Morocco Hooks Up Mosques To TV To Fight Extremism:

22 June 2006 01:36
I read it cost 900 000 €, it's cheap if it can indeed curb the beards progress. Speaking of cheap, somebody mentioned in the french forum that some of those TV's weren't screwed properly, they were falling of worshipers heads. Talk about getting things into people's heads !
Only in our country, only in our country...
22 June 2006 01:52
Chelhman, I’m resisting and I don’t want to laugh, but I can just imagine a worshiper concentrating and connecting with Allah when a TV falls from above. I hope that was not true….but yes if this can stop or even reduce the threat from these nuts, I’m all for it, heck, I’ll even pay my part!!!!
I have to say when I read you reply I couldn’t avoid laughing a bit…
22 June 2006 02:20
Hi Almot,

I checked again, it's true, so laugh it up brother ! As we say back home, nass khadma always nass khadma, but I love them for that as well, who needs Benny Hill !
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