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Is Morocco a model for the Mulslim world ?
16 June 2009 17:27
yes that s smiling smileyright
16 June 2009 17:30
But on serious note ,we all have sister ,mothers we really value , respect women ? do learn how to deal with them at equal level ? leave the religion to one side & look at the issue in a simpler way ...

Could we stand the abuse our women put up with in the streets ? aji azine manchofokch ! ......

We become a society thats accepts to see their women miss treated ,abused .........& every 1 saying well its not my problem ...........

Wakey wakey ! these ladies are the mothers ,sisters of our future generations & if let them down we all know what to expect !

thumbs upyou are a top man , i applaud your mentality and hope there are a lot of men like you

Thank you for your kind words ,they are others like you who believe that respecting our women is our only way out of the mess we are in & the only way we go forwards is education education education !
God willing we will get there once we invest in EDUCATION !
i agree with you about lack of respect to women in morocoo , it is very intimidating to any woman to walk in the street freely in moroccan towns, men sitting in the corners whistling and shouting abuse like apes , even a pregnant woman or women with a herd of kids are not safe

united nations did say that about oppressed women : countries which do not respect their women and deprive them from their rights as citizens will never progress they will stay paralysed and handicapedIll
23 June 2009 01:17
A country infested by corruption & using prostitution to attract tourists is certainly not a good example.
23 June 2009 08:46
23 June 2009 09:29
A country infested by corruption & using prostitution to attract tourists is certainly not a good example.

i think your brain is infested with hate worms and maggots go have a brain scan you will find fungus and mushrooms growing up there Are you crazy

do you feel better psychologically saying that about morocco ?
why don t you take those words and stick them where the sun does not shine winking smiley
any frustrated sexually looser and every beardy with low self esteem and every annegrian like you with severe complexity towards moroccan is singing this pathetic songs shame on you haters thumbs downtry to concentrate on your own country torn by terrorists and rulled by a military governement winking smiley

prostitution exist in morocco and in all countries of the worlds but number one in north africa still is algeria , most algerian immigrant are rent boys doing the street of brussels and Paris go have a stroll and enjoy the scene Clap

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2009 11:18 by whatsup.
23 June 2009 10:04
did you realise that what you re saying is really serious
have u got any proof?Are you crazy
23 June 2009 11:13
Hi salma

well there are few people in this site originally algerians who get paid by their corrupted governement to market for this sort of hate compaign against morocco and moroccans specially moroccan women , just google or look on you tube all sort of insults to our mothers and sisters , hundreds of articles every day just about morocco eye popping smiley(tourism, moroccan women .etc) they try to divert their own people from thinking from their own desastrous situations , crorruption , prostitution , terrorism and dictatorship

if their house is made of glass why they throw stones on other people evil

moroccan woman is lallahome amazigh woman is equal to hundred of algerian coward men , they are leaders , hard workers and a symbol of dignity , honesty , beauty and love Welcome
23 June 2009 13:35
now i understandsmiling smiley
24 June 2009 00:38
Whatsup: I'm Moroccan & what I wrote is my well expressed opinion. If you can't refute it without using adhominem attacks, you should just keep your mouth quiet.

The subject of this thread is "Is Morocoo a model for the muslim world?". If the question was about Algeria, i would have wrote the same thing. Corruption & prostituion aren't exclusive to morocco but that's not a reason to close our eyes on this issue.

PS: I'm not bearded & I thank you for worrying so much about my sexual life but everything is OK for me smiling smiley
24 June 2009 13:38
a true moroccan wont label all moroccan women as prostitues , you are insulting here every moroccan woman which i think reflect your lack of mental ability to differentiate between a minority which exist in all countries and the majority who represents our mothers and sisters

you are repeating like a dumb parrot what algerians sing on a daily basis ,tourism in morocco is based on prostitution , how you come to this conclusion ??? if you read a case of a prostitue is this mean or proves that all moroccan women are used for prostitution Are you crazy
morocco is a beautiful country , nice climat , great monuments, variety of cultures , best beaches in the world most tourists are families ,couples with their own kids worked hard and saved the whole year to enjoy the sunshine few weeks a year Cool

you r singling out prostitution as the main tourist attraction that s called shallowness and narrow minded ATTITUDE winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2009 01:40 by whatsup.
24 June 2009 13:48
I agree with whatsup,

honestly gluing the word prostitution to tourism in morocco is not a nice or a smart thing to do specially from moroccans not everywoman working in tourism is a prostitute No no there are cases but i won t say it s the majority like any other country in every society there is good and bad and i i don t think morocco if compared to any arab country is the worst (Tunisia ,Lebanon, algeria, Syria, Joprdanie, even saoudia where mecca is prostitution and paedophelia is everywhere ...etc)

we shouldn t forget the cleaners in the hotels , the waitresses who do some unhuman hours to earn few dirhams to support their children ,majority of workers in factories in morocco are women they are proud to earn their money from a halal source, despite low wages they are fighetrs against the hardship of life

let s be proud of moroccan women and change the stone age mentality which see women as sex objects and lesser human beings smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2009 01:54 by printemps1.
24 June 2009 14:16
long life to womenWelcome
24 June 2009 14:37
I never labelled all moroccan woman as prostitutes & thanks God that's not the case. What I'm saying is that this problem should be seriously fixed.

I'm just sick & tired about hearing ugly fat old europeans satiating their sexual perversions in our country. I even got in trouble in my last job because I slapped an ugly french pig who was telling everybody that Moroccan woman have no dignity whatsoever & how he had sex with almost every woman he met in exchange of a few euros.
24 June 2009 14:58
yes i understand
(nta rajel)(wseditilou femou hadak nesssrani)Welcome
24 June 2009 16:03
I never labelled all moroccan woman as prostitutes & thanks God that's not the case. What I'm saying is that this problem should be seriously fixed.

I'm just sick & tired about hearing ugly fat old europeans satiating their sexual perversions in our country. I even got in trouble in my last job because I slapped an ugly french pig who was telling everybody that Moroccan woman have no dignity whatsoever & how he had sex with almost every woman he met in exchange of a few euros.

ptdri think because he is a fat pig that no woman accepted being even near him , he opens his mouth widely as a way to compensate for his complexity and show off and proves to the outside world that he is liked and accepted , normallyu when someone try to show off the reality is totally the opposite
he is a sad little left over who can not get a woman i bet he is a virginptdrwinking smiley
it seemed to me that he is racist and just trying to provoke you and you fell for it , the best way is to ignore him ,fat men normally have severe complexity towards women in general
they better concentrate on loosing some weight and avoid scoffing burgers daily.

we have prostitues in moroccan like any other society , the word prostitue does not mean just female , but male too , personnaly i don t like judge any human being , no one will accept to sell his or her body as a hobby we should not forget that most of third world countries have no welfare system so pauverty is one major cause just god judge not us human beings.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2009 04:05 by printemps1.
24 June 2009 16:18
if a fat bastard is pointing the finger at moroccan women i don t think it s wise to go with the flow and just repeat his words

prostitutes in morocco are minority most clients are married moroccan men living double lives
to fix the problem is not by stoning these citizens , stabbing them , insulting them or torturing them

the root of the problem is unemployment , and pauverety , widowers with 10 kids and no pension
to eradicate this problem morocco need to start thinking seriously of introducing a social security system this will provide the finance to live with dignity and most importantly guarantee that every child in moroco afford going to school this also could help fight against begging and children in the street stealing , selling cigarettes and shining people shoes
24 June 2009 17:03
i dont know who to believe now
you or himmoody smiley
24 June 2009 17:24
I believe there is a middle ground here ,yes not all Moroccan ladies are for sale & that we have hard working smart ladies both in & out of the country ......
On the other hand we have our big share of ladies that gave the rest a bad reputation ,i met this Doctor who thought with his money he could get any girl around ..............i do see & hear about a considerate number of women who give Morocco a bad name both inside the country & outside .......& i do not take the excuse that because of pauvrty its why ect ...the issue is there & unless we look at it as such we wont be able to go further ...i know some people are using this to attack Morocco others are using is to push their fanatic ideas ....but unless we are blind the issue is there & its unfortunate but again its Education .education education or in this case the luck of it ........Can i just say i'am very proud of most Moroccan women they have a challenge back home & outside the country they have to work harder than other to lift this prejadism ....
24 June 2009 17:30
oh thank you mrWelcome
21 July 2009 21:38
It's surely not , Unfortunately thumbs down
22 July 2009 17:16
why did u say that
arent you a muslim????Heu
22 July 2009 23:07
Define "Model" and "Muslim World"

23 July 2009 16:21
25 July 2009 14:20
I don't think you have to see a video or an article to judge a country if it's a model or not. and a model in what sense? and in the eyes of who? to please Allah SWT "by committing to peace and a being a bridge between the west and the muslim world"? or to please the west? either way doesn't really matter cause morocco is beautifull country with beautifull people.
25 July 2009 17:19
yes that s rightthumbs up
12 September 2009 01:16
my friend we do n't need islam to educate us aout respecting women because islam doesn't . marring a girl of six years old is not an exemple. these women pretest in the name of islam. in morocco it is not acceptable. we beleive in human rights not in chariaa.
waky waky .islam is a the only religion that hates women and wants them to be sex slaves. if you want proofs . call me . answer me
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