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Morocco reports decreased unemployment rate
10 August 2006 22:15
Morocco reports decreased unemployment rate

The unemployment rate in Morocco has decreased considerably in the past year, the government announced on Wednesday (9 August). The number of registered unemployed stood at 879,000 at the end of June, falling below one million for the first time in 13 years. The unemployment rate of 7.7 per cent of the population was down from 11.1 per cent in the year-earlier period. The labour force reached 11.4 million in the second quarter. From the year-earlier figures, the rate was 3.5 per cent higher in rural areas and 0.9 per cent higher in urban areas. (MAP, AFP)
10 August 2006 23:07
Yes, I've read that in Le Matin as well, I wonder how they can come up with those figures, since there's no unemployment agency. Those figures are not credible. You just have to spend some time in the country to figure out for yourself that the unemployment rate is much higher than that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2006 12:17 by chelhman.
10 August 2006 23:44
i was laughing when i was reading it...the economy of morocco is much better than many european an north american countries...germany 11% an france 9% unemployment, we must move back to morocco,an many europeans with us..wejow...i hope not,that europeans read this will be the joke of the 21 century
11 August 2006 01:14

I agree with you chelhman...something is wrong there ...nearly the half of people I know in Morocco are looking for jobs or employed without contract ! in the country area the situation is worse! how come all this statistics?!
11 August 2006 16:33

The only way to say that is if they consider every person who lives in the villages and the mountains as being Business man and labourers of their own land..being excluded from the statistics..they don`t even know how many live there let alone know if they are working or no....can guarantee u that there is over a million unemployed in casa alone..don't bother counting the other cities.

I got the message Le Matin..we are extremely Happy and proud of our minister of employment ..doing a good job carry on a big clap guys
Having visited Morocco the last time I noticed that people were complaining more saying that the economic situation has worsened compared to 6 years how can that be better of for the first time in 13 years ??
11 August 2006 17:32
these facts have no scientific background.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
11 August 2006 21:58
Unemployment? I no noboby in Morocco being unemployed! everybody is working! Clap
12 August 2006 14:56
A proof that the statistics are wrong

Morocco : Government to abet textiles
August 12, 2006

Textiles in this region experiencing tough times as European markets opened to Asian clothing exporters last year.

Moroccan textile exports plummeted after European quotas favored African producers.

This showed Morocco's reliance on Europe, which seizes 92 percent of its textiles, and raised fears for the future of a sector that accounts for 40 percent of manufacturing exports and employs 40 percent of the manufacturing work force.

Textile sector represents 4 percent, of gross domestic product in a country struggling with unemployment and poverty.

Due to Morocco’s proximity buyers in Britain, Spain and France have begun imports lately.

The sector now has the capability to export 40 billion dirhams worth of clothing within five years, up from just over 24 billion dirhams worth in 2004.

To encourage the industry, the government has offered financial help for new investments and has also slit duties on imports of raw materials and accessories.

A free trade zone in Tangier will offer cheaper transit to Europe and the US along with the opening of a new port nearby which will allow companies to import material and re-export finished clothes free of tax.

There is apprehension that Chinese companies may soon set up store in Morocco to be closer to European clients and take advantage of the US import quotas that Morocco won recently under a free trade agreement.

Since western shoppers are gazing at who prepared the clothes and under what conditions, mandatory health insurance, rigid labor rules and administrative delays, all make Morocco very uninviting destination
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