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Morocco seeks to double hotel investments rate
6 June 2006 14:19
Although dynamic, the hotel investments in Morocco are still far from the objectives laid down in the "Vision 2010" national tourism strategy, which aims to attract 10 million tourists by 2010, Minister of Tourism, Craft Industry and Social Economy Adil Douiri said Saturday (3 June). Speaking during a round table organized in Casablanca by the British Chamber of Commerce on the progress achieved in the tourism field, Douiri said the current rate of expansion of the hotel capacity is estimated at 7,500 beds per annum -- and should reach 15,000 beds, or double the today’s level, in order to achieve this goal. In 2005, the hotel capacity was extended by 5,500 beds, the minister said. The forecast for this year is not bright, in terms of tourist arrivals, because of the hotel deficit in the country. (Le Matin)
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