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Morocco sees up to 100,000 jobs from offshoring
6 June 2006 17:01
CASABLANCA - Morocco aims to create up to 100,000 jobs over ten years by drawing new business from companies seeking to hive off labour-intensive service activities, the country’s industry and trade minister said.

The government is setting up a chain of specialised business zones across the North African kingdom to capture a slice of the global market for offshore services, expected to be worth 30 billion euros ($38.74 billion) over the next ten years.

The zones offer lower overheads such as telecommunication costs, simplified administration and employee training services to draw banks, insurers and IT companies.

With a plentiful supply of French and Spanish-speaking graduates, Morocco hopes to replicate the success of India, which has become an outsourcing hub for the English-speaking world.

“Over ten years we’re aiming for 90,000 to 100,000 jobs in offshoring,” Salaheddine Mezouar said on the sidelines of an economic conference in Casablanca late on Monday.

The government wants offshoring to contribute an additional $1.76 billion of gross domestic product by 2013 and help absorb a growing number of jobless graduates.

According to an official report early this year, the country needs to create 400,000 jobs per year over the next 10 years to prevent mass unemployment.

The official unemployment rate among university and high school graduates was at 18.6 percent in the first quarter of the year, compared to an overall jobless rate of 9.8 percent.
6 June 2006 18:24
Let's hope they apply what they say .... funny we no longer trust our moroccan gov.
6 June 2006 22:32
<<With a plentiful supply of French and Spanish-speaking graduates, Morocco hopes to replicate the success of India, which has become an outsourcing hub for the English-speaking world.>>

So french is not dying in Morocco contrary to what people think, learning english AND french is still very much an asset.
But if they want to replicate the Bangalore model, we have nowhere near enough skilled personel to do that. They better start putting more money in education. Those, whose parents sacrificed a lot to put them through private schools, are not going to work for 3500 dhs a month, which is the starting salary at for instance.
6 June 2006 23:26
One of the big problems is to look carefully at these university and high school graduates.
Once you do an evaluation, you will find that the education system in Morocco requires a deep reform.
They are still sticking at the french system (Academie de Bordeaux) of 1956. In addition many moroccan universities did have a very bad starting. In some cases, you think that they were built in order to get these young peoples out of the street. Lack of teaching and research experiences. To become a university professor is like getting a residence permit after spending 4 years in the rooms of the university.These professors become supervisors and produce a highly questionable generation of doctors and professors etc This chain reaction in cultivating mediocrity and many badly educated graduates.......... For a long time the choice of deans, ......was based on many others criterias but not on science, experiences...etc... I do not want to go in details....A very sad situation.......A mess.....
There is no comparison with India or china....I am very sorry...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2006 11:27 by Krim.
7 June 2006 06:17
The public education system is actually not following the Bordeaux system. It just follows the Moroccan ministry of education system. Now "La mission" follows the Bordeaux system meaning that the exams that are given to students from French schools in Morocco are the same ones as those given out in Bordeaux.

The education system needs indeed a very deep reform from kindergarden to graduate school, they might as well just burn all the books they produce now and start from scratch.
7 June 2006 09:05
Dear Zaki7
At the beginning the university of Rabat was created by the french and was somehow dependent on the Académie of Boredeaux. Since then there was no changes...........The moroccan ministry of education are keeping this old structure while in France education has been witnessing changes....
Of course I did not mention that it is still following Bordeaux.
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