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Morocco socially affected too, CMC
21 May 2009 13:39
In 2008, the number of strikes, both those avoided and those staged, increased by 17% and 27% respectively

The financial crisis, which has been transmitted to the whole economy, has started to generate heavy social consequences both nationally and internationally, said the Centre Marocain de Conjoncture (CMC)* in its latest publication, “Letter”.

Dedicated to the social repercussions of the crisis, the CMC's Letter underlined that many developed countries have shed jobs at an unprecedented pace, which is threatening the Millennium development Goals.

Nationally, the monthly publication underlined that current financial crisis, which has spread to the economy's real sectors, has aggravated social conflicts in the country.

“In 2008, the number of strikes, both those avoided and those staged, increased by 17% and 27% respectively,” it underlined, adding that “the number of work days lost as part of these strikes also climbed 53.3% to reach 99,158, against 65,000 in the previous year.

“This social tension is certainly a result of the deteriorating economic situation following the outbreak of the international crisis, whose effects have started to be felt at the social level,” commented the French-language publication.

In this respect, the Letter's editorial blamed the current government for not being able to reach a solution with the country's trade unions, despite meeting with them in two social dialogue rounds.

“In fact, according to many well informed sources, the failure of the social dialogue is a result of the government's lack of vision,” it underlined.

The CMC's publication also criticised the fact that Morocco does not have a policy for the evaluation of the results of the programmes launched to promote the kingdom's job market.

It added that the existing data, “often incomplete and unequally reliable”, makes this evaluation, which is necessary for the analysis of the underlying policies, even more complex.

As to the job market and the country's needs in terms of employment, the experts of the CMC maintained that, by the year 2014, Morocco will need a total of 4 million jobs, “that is an average of 370,000 new job opportunities a year, regardless of the current jobless population.”

The Letter concluded however that “this objective can be achieved only if Morocco registers an annual growth rate of 6.2%, which seems to be difficult in the current economic context.

* The CMC is a Moroccan think-tank specialised in economic and social issues.
22 May 2009 11:05
The only thing holding the balance from tipping are the slavery jobs Europe leaks to immigrants, without them, Morocco would be in some serious trouble.

The major source of income and the blood line for the state, that keeps it alive, is migrant's savings deposited in Moroccan banks. Withdraw that source of income and the system will collapse.

The government hasn't a flipping clue as to what to do. Be it social programs, housing, education, jobs or even the decaying and rotten basic infrastructure.

The data that gets released, is not that is not complete, but it's all doctored and fabricated for the sheeple´s consumption. You never know the extent of the malaise of the nation, and therefore can never act firmly and decisively, leading to social unrest, which in turn leave the ruling elite with no other option, but to resort to diplomatic wrangling with the neighbours, fake Terrrorism, the issue of Sahara and Sebta wa Mleelia etc. to keep lablad distracted for as long as it takes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/22/2009 11:07 by fcurrito.
11 June 2009 08:53
so what s your point mate???Heu
1 July 2009 06:04
well i'm glad to see the end of the capitalism sauvage .this economic system is going to fail anyway and it is behind this crisis. now we are in need for something new a new system that allow people to live equally and in prosperity ,not working so hard to make your boss rich and everything is controlled by money ,credit and fraudGrrrr.
1 July 2009 11:11
no commentswhistling smiley
1 July 2009 11:15
Norway is the only country in the world which is benefiting from the economic crisis , they are getting richer and richer simply because 40 years ago they started saving all the money made from the petrol and investing some of it in pension schemes and investements for future generation
they were simply thinking ahead and now they made plans for the next 100 years unlike most countries that don t see far from their noses
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