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The Morrocans "exile themselves" more and more abroad
21 February 2007 20:22
Regular migrants or "harragas", our compatriots are increasingly numerous to try the adventure of a voluntary exile. This tendency is observed with rising generation migratory benefitting from the family regrouping authorized out of ground of immigration. And it is corroborated by the weakness of the migration of return to the country of emigration.

The conclusions of a study of the HCP carried out by the researchers of the CERED (Center ' studies and of demographic research) on the reintegration of the migrants of return are formal, at least within sight of the selected behavior accounting for two of the greatest economic areas of the Kingdom, Large-Casablanca and Souss-Massed-Draa it.

Indeed, the researcher Mohamed Mghari ended to the report of "the weakness of the movement of return. A certain number of Morrocans however returned. However, if the sociodemographic studies on the international migration progressed much these last years, the phenomenon of the return little held the attention of the researchers until now. The reasons of this gap in the field of research are probably due, mainly, with the lack of quantitative information and qualitative ".

Although the data available cannot inform sufficiently on the question, the researchers show themselves persuaded that "the myth of the return naturally ended with the stop of the migration for reason of work and the implementation of the procedure of family regrouping set in motion towards the beginning of the years 1970". This new situation aroused an interest more shown among our nationals to want to settle durably abroad, in particular, the MRE residing in France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany "Gradually, the Moroccan migrants develop a tendency with the final installation in the home countries", persist and sign the craftsmen of the investigation diligentée by the Department controlled by Ahmed Lahlimi Alami. The High commissioner in the Plan has the merit to credit the public opinion with works and publications on sets of themes of great topicality by guaranteeing the necessary objectivity of the investigations and the transparency with the conclusions and results of investigations.

End of the myth of the return

In other words, Lahlimi returns a proud candle to the evolution of sociocultural fabric of the Moroccan company which quite well informed on the faults and the deficiencies of the systems considered and is initiated with the prospects and futurologies hoped to confront with waitings of the Morrocans?

To return to the migration of return, the MRE wish more and more to settle elsewhere while making there come their families and by requiring nationality from the host country. This will of durable and final immigration seems to be confirmed by the manpower growing of our nationals to acquire the nationality of the home country. A tendency which is consolidated by the acknowledgement of failure of certain experiments of return of their colleagues or parents in their area of origin and express their discouragement within sight of the "repulsive socio-economic factors" which prevail in Morocco.

Other parameters discourage migratory flows of reintegration more directly related to the vexations undergone by our MRE in the obstacles met at the time of the socio-economic attempt at reintegration to the Kingdom. Indeed, nearly 72% of them investments in a production scheme did not realize and that the main part of the authorized expenditure are confined with the only real or land acquisition. To that are added the advanced average age of the majority of the migrants of return resulting from the first waves of the Sixties, the illiteracy and the absence of specific training or preparation of the project before regaining their country. As the researcher Bachir Hamdouch testifies some, "the limited number of projects of the migrants of return to the country is explained by reasons related to their advanced age, their bad health, the means of which they lay out, the difficulties which they encounter and the little of facilities which are granted to them". More especially as more of two thirds of them do not prepare their return to the country of origin.

The three quarters of the migrants of return did not profit from administrative and banking facilities and must have recourse to the abstract loans to assemble their small business. Moreover, 95% of them ensured to have made the object of no assistance or accompaniment in the realization of their project. Ni on behalf of the administration, neither of the local communities, neither of the civil company, nor of the banks. This feeling of abandonment or negligence is taken in line of account by rising generation of migrants wishing to change country and nationality to settle definitively under other skies.
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