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Nationalism, is it Right Or Bad & Why?
7 December 2006 18:26
Salam 2 U All;

Nationalism is it right or bad & why?

What do you think of nationalism are you in favor?

Why do you think people these days need more Nationalism?

What the benefits of Nationalism?

What do you think of people who live their lives based on "Nationalism" and "Regionalism"

Are You One of those People who always talk and say I am from Casablanca and people from Casablanca are always smarts or are you from those who hate the guts of any one from Casablanca cause maybe they had a bad experience from some ignorant Casawi?

Do you always use examples/jokes mocking people from different parts of the same country?

Did you know I heard that some people told the French occupation just give us our independence from our city and all the way up till Tangiers the rest doesn't mater, what do you think it is right?

What About this Propaganda of Amazighi Culture and who is behind it? Aren't we all Muslims from the same country, why are we looking for some old ways to make people go against each other’s and hate each others under the right of protecting our ancestors culture and identities, etc,.. ?????

Islam does not recommend division between the same people from the same country or region, all those countries breaking up into small, worthless courtiers with no power or real protection is really against the teaching of Islam, since it breaks the rule of Unity. Where those questions some of them came from is that I have seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, people gathered one day in a friend house and start making fun of each others and some jokes were bad and insulting and I couldn't shut although I was the youngest in the crowd, I had to stop them mocking each other and putting each other down cause it really hurts when someone uses you and your backgrounds as a joking or entertainment and laugh about it like no harm is been done, Subhana-Allah, that was the work of Occupation Making sure the People of each region do not agree with each other, dislike each other and why not even hate each other cause it serves their purpose by staying long and abusing the country longer, Just like what's happening to Iraq & other regions around the world they are making bombs and blowing up people but of course it is blamed in the Shia & Sunna Groups Hating each other & Dividing Our Oummah and making So Weak, So Let's Not fall for the Same Old Trick Anymore,

Let Us All Fight Back for Our Unity & Stay Away From nationalism and regionalism,

I am not Saying Do not Love your country No that's wrong islamicly it is a Must to love your country of origin etc,.. But Just be Smart enough & wise enough to be better then those Resists, Stereotypes, or the People who make them to insult & abuse other, A County United, An Oummah United is a lot better then ones splitting and becoming weaker & weaker,

Please Accept The Casawi, Rbati, Marrakchi,Fasi, Meknassi, Wajdi, Tanjawi,Sahrawi, etc,.. We Are All Moroccans, Arabs & Better Then That We Are All Muslims, Alhamdo-Allah.

My Example "s" was about Morocco But Really it is All over The Arab & Muslim World this Problem So Feel Free to Share with us your experience whether you are Moroccan, or Algerian, Tunisian, French, Arab, Muslim or Non-Muslim from any parts of this World, we can learn something from you, maybe even if you think it is not big deal it might be the Only big Deal people will enjoy learning about it here.
8 December 2006 04:26
Salam 2 u All;
some know how to mock others and they love doing even if they know it hurst, Astaghfiro-Allah al-3adime, may Allah protect us from those individuals & Ameen,
8 December 2006 19:32
Salam 2 U All;

I hope everyone here is doing good today/tonight, it's a Nice & Beautiful day indeed it's A Friday that is why.

Let's See who can Answer or reply, comment on those eight questions, do not be hesitant or afraid your computer is not going to bite you or judge you, take a deep breath & relax, think and start typing your views / opinions / comments.

Communication is a great gift we do have but many people do not use it or even don't know it does exists, of course there is a category of people who are terrified, cause of fear.

Everyone Please Chill out & Let's See Who Can Participate & Make some Comments about Question
#1?, Q#2?, Q#3?, Q#4?, Q#5?, Q#6?, Q#7?, Q#8? ????????

Everyone Have A Nice & Relaxing Weedkend, but if U have to be Working Then All The best & Success Out There, Do Not Forget to Keep Smilingsmiling smileywinking smileythumbs up
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