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Naturalisation/quick survey
18 May 2006 17:05
Hi everyone,

As there are more and more of us being bi-national, I wanted to ask you about your motivation for applying for the nationality of your host countries : was it for practical reasons ? Did you feel you shared some values, do you feel partly french, belgian, american, canadian ? Have you ever felt an inner conflict of interest ? Have you ever been accused of having disloyalty by either side ?
Obviously a culture as strong as our, make us attached to the culture of our parents but we've picked up traits from our host countries, are we a new breed of moroccans ?

Ok, I'll be the first : I'm moroccan/belgian, I applied for it to be able to vote and voice my views, didn't need it for practical reasons, I share european values being raised in Europe, not particularly belgian, as it is not a strong culture but divided between flemish and walloons. My moroccan culture is very strong, I have no inner conflict but I do have conflicts with both sides mainly on questions of immigration and religion.
How about you ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2006 11:04 by chelhman.
18 May 2006 23:07
Am I to understand that you are all moroccans ? Come on, people, don't be shy ! I am not with the INS or some other agency, just wanna know what my fellow Moroccans think !
19 May 2006 03:13
I would 've loved to give it a shot, unfortunately i am on a temporary visa here in the US and the path of naturalization is very hard here, especially when u cannot be helped or sponsored.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
19 May 2006 05:22
Hi everybody,

I applied for the Australian citizenship because it’s my right in first place but also to be able to live in Australia any time…the Australian passport will able me to go nearly everywhere without the visa which saves a real headache if I want to visit some countries ….however it’s true that I really like this country and I feel I wanna be a part of it….but to be honest… I did it after thinking about it long time ….fortunately we have as Moroccan the possibility to have 2 nationalities…otherwise it would have been not a easy decision …..
20 May 2006 00:12
No conflicts at all ,more of praticalities

Once you are you live in a country & you qualify for its citizenship its only natural to apply
Plus the ease of travel no visas needed .
Culture ,values ....have no nationalities so we pick the best from both
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