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2 September 2009 13:37
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!
2 September 2009 14:48
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!

Where does she live ?

you should write your post in the English forum
2 September 2009 14:52
please tarjem por favor Ill
[color=#FF3300][b][center]☻☺☺☻Quand on est pas jolie, ptite, on reste polie.. ... ☻☺☺☻[/center][/b][/color]Si tu te fais tromper, je te propose [url=]Cette solution, à voir jusqu'au bout [/url]
2 September 2009 15:14
please tarjem por favor Ill

En gros monsieur discute avec une demoiselle via msn, s'envoie des sms, itou, itou. Ce qui arriva arriva, il a des sentiments pour elle. Mais vu qu'ils vivent loin l'un de l'autre, elle prend pas la relation au sérieux et dit qu'il n'y a qu'un simple attachement (genre amitié) quand lui voudrait lui démontrer le contraire. Donc monsieur veut des conseils pour lui prouver ses sentiments, qu'une relation est possible malgré la distance.


I understand your feelings, but I think that we can't do anything for you, change the mind and heart of your friend is impossible. The only think is to speaking with her and show her that you are here with truth feelings, with honesty and respect, your can be the only man of her life. You have to be stronger, and if you are muslim, no forget to pray Allah to give what you want.

Good luck guy


Môh Tsu
2 September 2009 15:15
please tarjem por favor Ill


D'après ce que j'ai compris, c'est un mec qui vit son premier amour avec une fille qui vit loin de lui. Pour communiquer ils utilisent msn et sms. Mais après plusieurs jours de discussion, la fille ne ressent rien pour lui, elle lui dit que c'est juste de l'amitié. Elle lui dit "comment peux-ton ressentir de l'amour alors qu'on habite loin de l'autre". Il souhaite une solution, demande de l'aide !
2 September 2009 15:18
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!

Ask here to marry you grinning smiley

But for real
2 September 2009 15:20
i think u must lacher l'affaire because sh's not aqui et she jamasi tbghe tji chez toi.

lbab.. grinning smiley
[color=#FF3300][b][center]☻☺☺☻Quand on est pas jolie, ptite, on reste polie.. ... ☻☺☺☻[/center][/b][/color]Si tu te fais tromper, je te propose [url=]Cette solution, à voir jusqu'au bout [/url]
2 September 2009 15:20
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!

Ask here to marry you grinning smiley

But for real

effectivement, dans ce but, on peut dire que le real, elle le vaut bien grinning smiley
2 September 2009 15:27
Moh Tsu
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!

Ask here to marry you grinning smiley

But for real

effectivement, dans ce but, on peut dire que le real, elle le vaut bien grinning smiley

2 September 2009 18:26
voldemodo je suis ptdr
2 September 2009 18:35
WHAT CAN I DO TO BRING MY FIRST LOVE SHE LIVES FARFROM ME :s and we used to talk with msn sms every thing but those day she said that she didn t feel any thing about me it is just attachment like she said what can i do to make her believe that what we feel is love but the distance makes as feel like this plzz a solution as possble as u can !!!
I think that u're tripping dude cause most first loves don't last after high-school, u both should move on, it's human evolution and heart has nothing to do with it, it's the brain that controls the human body including the human feelings but not the heart. The heart's only job is to control the blood flow to the brain so the brain could run the show including emotions and feelings.
If you follow human evolution, less than 1% married their first love and half of them ended up in a divorce cause they never got to experience social life with people from different sex.
Move on dude, if she loves u she will find u and come back.
When u love someone who wants to go away, let him/her go, if they realy loved u as much as u loved them, they will come back but most of times it's too late.
Otherwise, love is like an ocean with billions of fish.
Sorry for the philosophy lecture but that's human evolution.
Like it or not, it's how life on earth works and if u don't like it, move to another planet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/02/2009 06:37 by LibrePenseur.
2 September 2009 19:50
Dude, if you want a girl, you have to show some character...

If you fear losing her so bad, you will lose her for sure. I dont ask you to show that you dont care... but you look so needy right now...

And nobody likes a needy man. Not even men.

Focus on what you can "give her" (not talking about money or anything like that)...

If someone is far from you saying "You need me" works much better than "I need you."... In a situation like yours of course...

Now, get a grip on yourself, and stop crying like a b****. be her man, and she will be your woman... end of story.
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