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need help please
1 November 2006 04:59
hello everyone,
i am new to this thread.
i need a piece of info concerning visa s to uk.actually i applied for a settlement visa to uk and i want to know if any one had same exprience to tell me more about going through the interview or any further info to help i will appreciate thanks lot
4 November 2006 16:38
i do interview this year (green card) it is very easy don't worry No no
5 November 2006 21:39
i do interview this year (green card) it is very easy don't worry No no
you mean american green card? if so that s diffrent but to say easy i am not sure a brother told me they refuse some moroccan because they wore beards!
as for my question it is concerning uk does any body know about it?
7 November 2006 13:49

it will take more than a beard for them to turn you down; but anyway, if you've got all the right documents and your spoken english is reasonibly good, i don't see why they would refuse you a visa. my advice regarding interview: be sincere and be prepared to have your views challenged (this is very british: whatver you say, they will contradict you just to put your arguments to the test). so have solid arguments for whatever they may ask you about (why you want to live in britain, what you think of the british culture...etc). so i would say be sincere, calm and composed... allah i aawnek
7 November 2006 18:29
hi khadijaox,
thank you very much for replying me.i am happy at least i have one advice to put in persperctive.
is there any body else who can contribut to get more info about it?
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