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need some input
3 December 2008 18:26
Hi everybody!

I'm new in Casablanca and I'm looking forward to learn more about this fascinating country, especially about Moroccan Jewish community.

Can anybody help me explore and learn more Morocco?

3 December 2008 19:51

you can learn more about morocco by living in it, but since you chose casablanca, your view of Morocco will be as chaotic as this city... just joking...

As to the jewish community, jews are present in Morocco since very early ages, and some places in Morocco and Adjacent countries still bear jewish names which are also berber names as berber was, in its many variants, the only languages before the arrival of arabic. An example of this is Timbouktou, bouktou being a name of a jewish queen. Although the city is in Mali, but it is historically quite related to it since the time of the caravans of the deserts..You can also cities hosting jewish saints which moroccan jews visit every year, like Haim pinto in Essaouira or in remote villages like the one on the road to Tidili in the middle of the Atlas coming from Agouim, the latter is a small village 50 km on the road to Marrakesh coming from Warzazat..

In addition to the "old" jewish community, there was a wave of jewish Moriscos who settled lore in Fes, chefchaouen and Salé. They fled andalusia in Spain together with defeated muslims after the reconquista to escape from Queen Isabella and also in order not to convert was also a time when jews were more protected in Dar AL islam than elsewhere..

in the Fifties and after the occupation of Palestine, Jews left Morocco in a deal with the moroccan government and their number declined from some 200 000 to some 4000 now..

Culturally speaking, a lot of intermingling happened on the way, in gastronomy and clothes as an example..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
4 December 2008 15:35
You can start by visiting the Moroccan Jewish Museum, you'll get an idea of the history and meet some of our fellow jewish Moroccans, here's a map on their website :

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