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neocons again playing with matches
4 August 2006 17:09
Report: NSA Assisting Israel; Neocons Pushing “Four-Front” War

A report has emerged Israel is being assisted by a new partner in its attack on Lebanon – the National Security Agency. In a piece published on, former Clinton administration official Sydney Blumenthal says the NSA has been providing signal intelligence to Israel to monitor whether Syria and Iran are supplying new weapons to Hezbollah. Citing unnamed national security sources, Blumenthal writes secret intelligence the sharing effort has been pushed by Vice President Dick Cheney and other leading neo-conservatives. Blumenthal writes: “The neoconservatives are described as enthusiastic about the possibility of using NSA intelligence as a lever to widen the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah and Israel and Hamas into a four-front war.”

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4 August 2006 23:50
Dear Chelhman
A country without a military power has nothing to say.
It is too late for the arabs. Every thing is under control.
These ignorant, arrogant corrupted minds did have enough time to wake up.
A F. reality.
5 August 2006 01:22
I don't believe this thing is going to be solved with military power, that's exactly what the neocons want, they would like to see the middle east set ablaze. The messianists among them firmly believe, and I emphasize "believe", that from the ashes will rise a new world, didn't Condi Rice talk about "birth pangs" last week ?
The chess players like Cheney, Wolfowitz and Perle want to radicalize muslims even further, to start a long and profitable new cold war. What corporations like Halliburton are making now is nothing compared to what they'll make if this thing in Lebanon extends to other countries. And in both sides, the populations are acting like cheerleaders instead of keeping their leaders in check. It is said that the first casualty of war is the truth, well you can add "reasoning" to the quote.
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