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7 August 2006 19:56
Death Toll in Lebanon Tops 1,000; 90% Civilians

The death toll in Lebanon from Israel's attacks has now topped one thousand. According to the Lebanese government more than 90 percent of the dead have been civilians. Lebanon's High Relief Committee estimates another thirty-four hundred people have been injured and one quarter of the country has been displaced from their homes. Meanwhile about 75 Israelis have been killed since the conflict began 27 days ago. On Sunday, Israel suffered its single deadliest blow yet when a rocket fired by Hezbollah killed 12 soldiers near the Lebanon border. Another three Israelis died in rocket attacks on the city of Haifa.

Israeli Military Official: "Lebanon Will Be Dark For a Few Years

The Israeli military is reportedly planning to ramp up its attacks on Lebanon by targeting more of the civilian infrastructure as well as symbols of the Lebanese government. One military official told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, "It could be that at the end of the story, Lebanon will be dark for a few years.

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