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Noam Chomsky on Ned2
26 June 2008 11:59
I caught an interview last evening on Nederland2 with Noam Chomsky. The guy is a giant and it's always a delight to listen to him. Near the end, the inevitable question about Israel surfaces and if you don't already know it, Chomsky is a zionist but...well I won't spoil the surprise for those not familiar with his views, see for yourself : for the unlucky ones who don't have access to Ned2, here are the links on YouTube :


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2008 02:39 by chelhman.
27 June 2008 12:04
Hi Chelhman,

seems interesting but it is quite long... i'll watch it later and get back to you, what i know of chomsky is his theory as far as language acquisition is concerned, he says that language is innate in human beings, as opposed to the theory of behaviourists that says that language acquisition depends on practice, innatenes =/ behaviourism...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
28 June 2008 00:41
These certainly brings some good memories. Chokran Chelhman (mint tea on me but bring bistella...he he)
It reminds me very much of Edward Said's thoughts. Noam has always been the champion of the 'loosers' and he is not scared to speak up against injustice and puts it so eloquently through his writing.
1 July 2008 13:26
If you like champions of "losers", there's also the well-articulated (and cute) Arundhati Roy, here's an excerpt on the World Bank subject, but there's more on YouTube about her if you like what you've heard :

2 July 2008 23:32
Liked her reasoning and the way she speaks. She is definitely a person that doesn't take a ………from anyone. Spot on, she is very cute as well.
Have a look at this one:
Take care
4 July 2008 18:31
Thanks Site4everything for the link, I finally found the time to watch the entire video on Edward Said. His views are well shared among liberals (in the US sense of the word), however without the sophistication required, it feeds that very same clash of civilization when seen by an uneducated crowd because it validates the simplistic argument that there's a conspiracy out to get them. So, we should rate this video and the others above, something like "caution : viewers must have an IQ above that of
a chimp"smiling smiley
7 July 2008 22:14
Well said Chelhman Football
In Gibran's word: 'present knowledge of the people is a fog above the field;when the sun mounts the horison to its rays the mist will yield'.
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