Cut is a big word. He's not ugly, but it's not Georges Clooney either.
However, I find him really charismatic. We want to see him, to listen to him and especially we're eager to see him taking the place of this looser of bush.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.
Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !
Sans mentir, si votre ramage
Se rapporte à votre plumage,
Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
I really hope he will win the next elections. It will be a great revolution and it will bring a new outlook over the American society.
However, I am quite confident that Hilary Clinton will play a major role in those elections as well. (a female president ruling such a huge and powerful country, that would be brilliant!)
Pitoyable ce post, j'ai du mal à comprendre les femmes, si ce gars s'appelait Hamid et qu'il vivait à Berkane, je me demande si on lui aurait dédié un post!
pitiful this topic, never i will understand ladies, strange you are! But i'm sure about one thing, if this guy was à "hroubi" from Sidi Slimane, never a topic was dedicated to him. Handsome, of course cuz it this guy is powerful and famous, money and power make someone attractive even a dumb.
A bnat, bla 3kal, 3oumri ma'n fahmoum, ma houwa al fark bayen had deri wa drari min houmti fi el maghreb, bla dek snanes boyed o hayedlo l'corbata! ma i bka fih ma y't lebak9 Mouhim, had el "ayel, oula ma kanshi mountah7ab a riassa el mirikiya, t'douzi hdah daymen wa ibanlek kayf el 3ASSAS el 3imara! li MA 3ANDO FLOUSS, KLAMO MESSOUSS
Lamentable, este tipo si estaba de la montaña, adelantarías como adelantamos un verde difunto!
Mouhim, une fois qu'il sera élu notre démocrate, il se fera une joie de bombarder à coups de cravates les pays qui le trouvent séduisants!
The AMERICAN dream fait encore rêver, endless et les arabes sont de bons clients!
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2008 11:05 by PICOLLO.
lol the topic poster is such a sexist !! i'm 18 male you can't stop me from posting, and i don't find Obama cute lol, but atleast i hope he wins presidencie.
oh and for next topic : Who is hotter, moroccan or holland women ?