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Only in Morocco
18 July 2009 01:48
Rabat - Morocco's Foreign minister, Taib Fassi Fihri, summoned on Friday France's ambassador to Morocco, Jean-François Thibaut, "to share with him the full incongruity of the approach" adopted by a Moroccan MP for the sake of a citizen, member of Justice and Development Party (PJD), within the framework of the election of bodies of the Oujda municipality (eastern Morocco).
The move of the Foreign ministry follows "the letter sent to his Excellency France's ambassador in Rabat by the MP member of the national secretariat and leader of the Justice and Development Party (PJD), Abdelaziz Aftati, who believed that it was his duty to call out to the French authorities over the case of Mr Noureddine Boubker, a holder of French nationality and member of the PJD in Oujda," the foreign ministry said in statement.
Noureddine Boubker said he was allegedly assaulted by security forces during the election of bodies of the Oujda municipality.
"This correspondence is, on no account, politically, ethically or morally acceptable or justifiable," the statement said, adding that "the French nationality of Mr Boubker cannot be a pretext nor can it justify a foreign protection, when it comes to national elections.”
The law on political parties, the statement went on, concerns exclusively Moroccan citizens who introduce themselves as such in different national elections.
“Hence, addressing France’s embassy in Morocco by a PJD leader is totally incomprehensible and unjustified,” the statement concluded.

18 July 2009 19:05
the PJD are a party of hypocrits , opportunists, and double faced beardies , the originally memebers of the salafia jihadia think moroccans are a herd of animals
when they loose an election they play the card of victims , they are bad loosers , they can not swallow defeat Cool
19 July 2009 16:58
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