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Oukaimeden: Dubai Remakes the World
24 October 2006 16:02
24 October 2006 16:52
Extravagent project but it might take off due to our geographical proximity to Europe. It'll probably be critized for the sheer magnitude of the idea, but this is something that won't be delocalized, once it's built, it's built, it's bolted down, it's not going anywhere.

I do have one concern which is the environemental impact, I've been to Oukaïmeden, it's a beautiful place, I have one image still printed in my brain of a breathtaking view, about 15 mn on foot from the main hotel, you can reach a plateau where you're above the clouds, you feel like walking on them, it's amazing.
I hope the environemental issue will be paramount, otherwise Oukaïmeden won't be Oukaïmeden anymore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2006 05:44 by chelhman.
24 October 2006 17:19
...I somehow share the same doubts regarding these extravagent investment as mentioned in the article:

"The ambition is undeniable, but is there demand for such extravagant developments? "Cynicism about the 'Dubai model'—that it was a bubble—is dead," says Andrew Jeffreys, CEO of the Oxford Business Group, a regional consultancy"
24 October 2006 19:56
The article mentions that cynicism that this model is a bubble is dead meaning that the conclusion is that it is not a bubble.

I guess only time will show us if it was a sound investment from the emirati and others. But then again, it's their money and they would have built a touristic infrastructure in Morocco. If that works for them, everybody will make money, if that doesn't work for them, they can afford to lose a bit of money smiling smiley

There are different business models in the world that stand the test of time when it comes to tourism and real estate related to tourism, today Morocco is on that list and I believe it is just starting. Marrakech has been the opening and will continue selling but in my opinion, we are raising the bar with Oukaimeden, the north of Morocco and the coastal developments.

For Ouka, I think the Emirati are thinknking long term and have been smart about this investment. In few decades as per the scientist predictions, snow will disappear from the top mountains in Europe, Courchevel and other luxurious resorts will close down. It is estimated that the only regions that will have snow in Europe-MENA region are Morocco and Israel, go figure.. smiling smiley

...I somehow share the same doubts regarding these extravagent investment as mentioned in the article:

"The ambition is undeniable, but is there demand for such extravagant developments? "Cynicism about the 'Dubai model'—that it was a bubble—is dead," says Andrew Jeffreys, CEO of the Oxford Business Group, a regional consultancy"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2006 08:36 by zaki7.
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