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Pack up your stuff and go !
8 November 2006 07:34
Good morning everyone,

Hot from the press : the Republicans have lost the House (Congress), the Senate is still undecided, several key races are still too close to call.
Some republicans that were sometimes painful to watch on TV, given their stupidity, have been laminated, Rick santorum for instance is out. Still waiting for Georges "Macaca" Allen's result to see if another one will fall on his face.

Keith Ellison (see Krim's post below), the first muslim member of Congress has been elected.

The next few days will be fun to watch, Democrats gloating and Republicans running for cover. The neoconservatives have already started distancing themselves from the moron in chief, basically they're now saying
"Irak ? That wasn't our fault ! It was the White House !" (see article on

Experts are predicting, the White House might spend the next two years dodging subpoenas.
All and all, it's a good morning indeedtongue sticking out smiley


[] (video also available)
8 November 2006 08:49
Hey chelhman,
I stayed late just to follow the elections, and boy what a good night indeed for the Democrats, one of the big surprises is senator Santorum defeat but the real good one is the defeat of Macaca, Allen, Webb is ahead with some 7500 votes, and it looks like the remaining boxes are from areas with heavy African American voters, you do the math...
But man you're going to see lots of subpoenas going to everyone involved in anything that has anything to do with this war, I’m guessing the first is going to Halliburton.
8 November 2006 09:21

the real good one is the defeat of Macaca, Allen, Webb is ahead with some 7500 votes, and it looks like the remaining boxes are from areas with heavy African American voters, you do the math.

Bro', you just put a smile on my face. "Macaca" is out then. That makes it up for that snake, Lieberman, who was reelected in Connecticut, probably has to do with the fact that the bulk of the grunts stuck in Iraq, isn't exactly made of WASPs from Hartford.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2006 10:49 by chelhman.
8 November 2006 11:12
Well folks, I don't live in the States, but I tell you what, for the first time people around the world were paying close attention regarding this election, I have to admit I stayed a bit late just to catch up on the mid-term elections... as you are saying... it looks goods!
If the world had to vote for this, I am sure the Bushies would be hiding somewhere saying "I didn't do it! he told me to it! God spoke to me!" LOL.
8 November 2006 19:27
8 November 2006 19:45
i was just going to give you the news chelhman but you saw it.
peace, may be...
8 November 2006 19:48
Thanks Almot, but you keep them coming, you're at the source of it all.

I'm in an awfully good mood today.smiling smiley
8 November 2006 19:50
me too, chelhman, and now you can add this: Montana is in , that's another good news
just now called for the democrats by 3000 votes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/08/2006 07:52 by Almot.
8 November 2006 21:13
This is a happy day indeed!

America like we would like it to be is back.
10 November 2006 17:45
Oops ! there goes another one :

10 November 2006 18:46
salam alaykum

It is not surprising the upcoming days will be tough ones for Bush to valid his whims thru the democratics .Bolton was the wrong person to represent US (may be for Bush ideas ) in UN. He has lacks of diplomacy tendency.
11 November 2006 17:00
Just for fun, while we're at it :

12 November 2006 15:18
Pack up your staff and go, many thanks for all the good job you did for your nation, you have been in your position for a long time, people want a change, we found another bastard who will take over from you.

That's all about it for me.

Just another farce. Republican or Democrat, two sides of the same face.

I don't feel like positive and fundemntal changes are impending. Not like N. Mandela, Y. Gorbatchev or G. Washington being elected.

The so expected wind of change can only blow from the South.

Who is replacing Rumsfeld, Bob Gates, please check his pedigree ??
13 November 2006 03:43
Agree with you xylophene
Not much to celebrate for and not much of a change especially for the foreign policies.
13 November 2006 15:20
Guys, you have to admit that we've hit rock bottom with the moron in chief and the Republicans. So the Democrats might at least tilt the balance a little but it's the US, they've never been a benevolent force on the international scene anyway.
My fear was that the moron might do something irreversably stupid with Iran, remember the piece from Seymour Hersh a few months ago about special ops working inside Iran ?
At least, a Democrat congress will demand accountability where the Republicans are just rubber stamping everything the White House sends their way.

Here's an article from Der Spiegel about how this election is perceived in the Middle east :

14 November 2006 10:56
A consequence of this election is the downfall of the neocons. As I mentioned earlier, now they're saying that Iraq is the moron's fault, but they're going further listening to the Prince of Darkness (Richard Perle).
I've got to hand it to them, they have schutzpah, as we say back home, l'oujeh m'9azder :

14 November 2006 13:22
Robert Fisk is very good in finding the right words for these criminals.
Thanks Chelhman for the piece
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