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planet earth is flat
15 September 2009 15:40

a sample of debates on muslim arab world SOS

others are building hotels , schools on the moon while the arabs are still debating if planet earth is flat or round

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2009 03:41 by whatp.
15 September 2009 16:05
no it s not flat ,it is in the shape of a square or a triangle i am sure Danse

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2009 04:22 by marocain-09.
28 September 2009 11:39
i think you are a funny guyptdr
28 September 2009 13:13
(Wa ilal'ardi kayfa sutihat)Sura 88:17-20 ,meaning "And the earth how it is spread out"+(Wal'arda ba'da dhalika da-ha-ha) Sura 79:30 , meaning "And after that He spread the earth".
Other verses in the Quran stated that earth is flat using other words. All of these words are interpreted as "flat" and none of them has been interpreted as round.perplexeOh
28 September 2009 17:50
are you FQUIH>?????Heu
30 September 2009 11:47
(Wa ilal'ardi kayfa sutihat)Sura 88:17-20 ,meaning "And the earth how it is spread out"+(Wal'arda ba'da dhalika da-ha-ha) Sura 79:30 , meaning "And after that He spread the earth".
Other verses in the Quran stated that earth is flat using other words. All of these words are interpreted as "flat" and none of them has been interpreted as round.perplexeOh

each surat has hundreds of interpretations Heu and since this is a scientific fact i think religious ulama have to change their interpretaions so that people won t live in confusion about obvious facts

if we have a chance in the future to go on holiday to the moon we will be able to see that earth looks like a tennis ball
5 October 2009 12:15
moody smileyhi
tell you what i think we should leave that to the scientists shall we???
5 October 2009 15:55
moody smileyhi
tell you what i think we should leave that to the scientists shall we???

you have to convince the imams in mosques who tell people that the planet is flat (mobassata )while scientist proved the contrary , it s ridiculous 2009 and some people still think their planet is flat
6 October 2009 14:51
yeah well never mindHeu
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