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Please, how to get an email address ?
25 April 2007 22:43
I'm living in Paris and I have a friend in London. I have her name and postal address but I would like to reach this person by email.
Could you please tell me if an english annuary with email addresses exists ?
Sorry for my english...
And thank you for answering me.
26 April 2007 10:36
Yahoo has an email directory but if your friend uses an alias, you won't find her.
If things get desperate, you have her address, then you can always :

1. look her up in the phone book and call her to get the email
2. mail a letter the old fashioned way and put your email in there, she'll contact using her email and voilà !

Seems too simple, you probably already thought of it...
27 April 2007 15:59
Thank you for your answer Chelhman !
I think I've got no choice, I'm gonna send her a letter to ask her for her email address :-(
Thank you and have a nice day !!
29 April 2007 19:01
If both of you have easy access to a computer you could also try looking her up on Skype. If you do not already have it you only need to download it for free. That will allow you to communicate using internet free telephony and you could quickly ask her for her email address, especially that you can also use Skype to chat.

Good luck!
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