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17 July 2009 18:54

An important message from the Police - please pass this along to all the women you know.....

This actually happened a few weeks ago on the M3 FLEET SERVICES!!! It was early evening, and a young girl stopped to get petrol. She filled her tank and walked into the store to pay for her petrol. The cashier told her, 'Don't pay for your petrol yet......walk around the store for a while, and act as if you're picking up some other things to buy. A man just got into the back of your car. I've called the police, and they're on their way'. When the police arrived, they found the man in the back seat of the girl's car and asked him what he was doing. He replied, he was joining a gang, and the initiation to join is to kidnap a woman and bring her back to the gang to be raped by every member of the gang. If the woman was still alive by the time they finish with her then they let her go.

According to the police that night, there is a new gang forming here, originating from London. The scary part of this is, because the guy didn't have a weapon on him, the police could only charge him with trespassing.... He's back on the street and free to try again. Something similar to this happened at the Tesco garage on Cardiff Road in Newport recently, but luckily the cashier saw the man get into her car.

Please be aware of what's going on around you, and warn your family and friends. LADIES, you or one of your family or friends could be the next victim.

Please forward this on to everyone you know. Please do not discard this message; it is very important that everyone knows what is happening. Please be careful when leaving your vehicle, and make sure it is ALWAYS LOCKED to prevent this from happening to you.

19 July 2009 17:04
19 July 2009 17:23
hold on a second
are they situated in london only????
19 July 2009 20:59
where did you read this ?it s not in the newspaper or tvOhnot even in the sun which talks about minor things
i am not sure if this is true in case it is those gangsters are so stupid to choose petrol stations as a place to kidnap or rob people cameras are in every corner and every petrol station is equiped with alert alarms linked directly to police and fire stations

i guess it s just common sense people need to make sure they lock their cars , houses and not trust anyone Oups
20 July 2009 08:52
that s right sister
i dont know where he did get that fromHeu
it sounds so ridiculousthumbs down
23 July 2009 10:36
Hi Ladies ,

This was an email circulating & i thought its good to share it !
The mails said its the Met Police advise !
I suggest its no harm to be safe than sorry & if for any reason do you not believe the infos in it i think its always better safe than sorry !

As of the location of the incident its clearly said M3 FLEET SERVICES but we need to remimber these criminals move & they are copy cats too ...
I do hope for all our sakes that this is a work of imagination & that the world we live in is a safe place ! but the advise is there for those who want to take note & remember some basic & comon sense steps to keep safe !
23 July 2009 16:23
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