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Poll: Israelis believed Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah over Peretz
3 September 2006 19:22
Poll: Israelis believed Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah over Peretz
Israeli Yediot Aharonot said that since the ceasefire, two main issues have been keeping the Israeli public busy: The demand for an account of the failures by the Israeli leadership, and criticism of the press and nature of reports. It added that a new study, by the Ben Gurion Institute, has found that another problem requires urgent treatment: Israeli PR. The result of the poll shows that Israeli PR was so lacking, that in my cases the public was forced to rely on the reports of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. The participants of the poll were asked: "who gave the sense of certainty regarding the continuance of the war, and who was most authentic?" The results were unequivocal: The Israeli public chose Sayyed Nasrallah speeches as giving it both. Asked about Nasrallah's authenticity compared to that of Israeli spokespeople, not one Hebrew spokesperson received high authenticity marks. "We reached a really crazy situation," says Dr. Udi Lebel, the political psychology lecturer who conducted the poll. "A psychological situation which seems inconceivable: Instead of the Israeli public watching our national spokesman who tells it what is happening every day, who will minimize the chaos and who will be seen as believable, something unprecedented happened: The public perceived the enemy leader against whom we fought as having those characteristics, and waited impatiently for his speeches. Nasrallah contradicted the Israeli spokespeople more than once, many times contradicting the minister of defense – he was the first to announce the deaths of Israeli soldiers and the circumstances which led to them." He added: "This isn't the first time that a mother found out the truth of the death of her son in recordings released by Hezbollah, where a totally different picture is shown to what the Israeli military and its spokespeople have provided." Dr. Lebel believes that the figures indicate a serious crisis of leadership down the road adding that the public won't follow the leadership to the next confrontation.
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11 September 2006 13:21
yep, he is a religious fanatic, he will say the truth most of the time... at least what he knows or does see as truth...

so, he is like a crazy person or a kid, telling the truth... it's what i love and hate in these religious dudes... their little something that makes them special smiling smiley
12 September 2006 05:03
yep, he is a religious fanatic, he will say the truth most of the time... at least what he knows or does see as truth...

so, he is like a crazy person or a kid, telling the truth... it's what i love and hate in these religious dudes... their little something that makes them special smiling smiley

give us a break with your sterile, yet ou of the subject personal comments
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
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