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The power of nightmares
20 June 2006 10:27
Here's a "must watch" documentary series, I already mentioned it on a previous post, but I thought it deserved a post on its own.
For those of you not familiar with Google Video, you can watch online but I'd recommend viewing it with Google player available on the links, and download the movies manually. Besides it's rather long so you'll probably want to watch them on your free time.




Part 1 : the end of the cold war

Part 2 : the muslim brotherhood and the neocons
Part 3 : Benladen, 9/11, the neocons
22 June 2006 20:09
Thank you chelhman,
I only get the chance to see the first part, and i really find it interesting, I will comment I guess when i finish the last two parts.
23 June 2006 05:43
Almot, it's the kind of stuff that should be shown in high schools, universities. It gives perspective. Just my humble opinion.
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