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Project Ijtihad
23 February 2007 16:56
“By virtue of being a Muslim, is every Muslim virtuous ?” (from the book)

Irshad Manji is a "muslim refuznik" as she calls herself, she's the author of The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith, she's gotten a lot of press in the english speaking world but not so much in Europe.
She's advocating for a reform of the dogma, "Project Ijtihad" is part of that endeavour.

She's been called a Zionist, working with the Jews...blablabla, the usual islamist defense mechanism we've come to appreciate when you hold up a mirror to their incoherences.
I find her to be a breath of fresh air in this Quran thumping era we've slipped into.

One last detail to really make her lovable to the crazies...: she's gaysmiling smiley
Edgy enough to catch my attention...

23 February 2007 18:38
Thanks for the link Chelhman.
She is not a man, she is a woman and in addition she is gay. This is too much for those who can trust just God.
23 February 2007 18:47

ALLAHister ya moulanaeye rolling smiley
[color=#CC6666][b][center]Il y a, dans la création des cieux et de la terre et dans la succession de la nuit et du jour, des signes pour ceux qui sont doués d'intelligence _ sourate 3/verset 190[/center][/color][/b]
23 February 2007 23:04
Thanks for that Chelhman.
I hope is not another book that will confuse further those that are already confused.
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