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Protectionism is not a strategy for success, it is the path to poverty
9 April 2006 09:53
STOCKHOLM: The European Union can provide job security without
resorting to protectionism, British finance minister Gordon
Brown and Sweden’s Par Nuder will tell an EU finance ministers’
meeting in Vienna later this week.

The UK and Sweden said in a joint article for Swedish paper
Dagens Nyheter on Wednesday that they would be speaking about
policies, which could help Europe gain from globalisation and
growing competition.

The two countries, which are not members of the European single
currency, have been among the strongest performing economies in
the EU. “A protectionist Europe will become a Europe of
unemployment,” Brown and Nuder warned, as heated debate rages
about some EU nations trying to protect strategic industries
from takeover by firms from EU neighbours and elsewhere.

“Protectionism is not an option. Countries who use trade
barriers or subsidies for industry to try to maintain systems of
production will soon be forced to put up with lower salaries and
a fall in living standards,” they wrote.

“Protectionism is not a strategy for success it is the path to
poverty,” read the joint article.

They said that shifting from manufacturing industry to service
jobs and a knowledge-based economy meant reforms, which would be
painful but the emergence of competitors like India and China
should still benefit Europe.

Brown and Nuder said European companies could help create jobs
by finding new products. Reuters
9 April 2006 09:57
Ahh, sorry...can any moderator move this topic to the right section? (English Board i guess)

thanks in advance
9 April 2006 10:08
Bnou Batouta
Ahh, sorry...can any moderator move this topic to the right section? (English Board i guess)

thanks in advance
c'est ce que je pansais, it's not the right door.
[color=#FF0000]il y'a bien des laideurs qui ne se voient pas!!!!!!!! [/color]
9 April 2006 10:15

how are you today? lol grinning smiley

I think that in Europe Free trade is the only policy compatible with international prosperity.

there are no moderators this morning, they sleep tongue sticking out smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2006 10:15 by joliedounia.
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 10:27

how are you today? lol grinning smiley

I think that in Europe Free trade is the only policy compatible with international prosperity.

there are no moderators this morning, they sleep tongue sticking out smiley

sure, but i have the impression that the millions of french young people who are struggling for CPE withdrawal, must not think so...
9 April 2006 13:19
Bnou Batouta

how are you today? lol grinning smiley

I think that in Europe Free trade is the only policy compatible with international prosperity.

there are no moderators this morning, they sleep tongue sticking out smiley

sure, but i have the impression that the millions of french young people who are struggling for CPE withdrawal, must not think so...

why? moody smiley

to struggle against the cpe is not to encourage the protectionism.

I am against the First Employment Contract but for the free trade because is an advantage for all. there is no relation between cpe and protectionism.
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 13:51
If you accept the globalization and the free market rules, you should know that an unhampered labour legislation would readily facilitate the needed readjustments which are necessary to deal with the competition of India, China, and other industrial newcomers where labour is much cheaper.

The countries with the most fervent labour-protection laws, such as France and Germany, will be forced to suffer official unemployment rates of 10 percent and higher.
9 April 2006 19:00
Bnou Batouta
If you accept the globalization and the free market rules, you should know that an unhampered labour legislation would readily facilitate the needed readjustments which are necessary to deal with the competition of India, China, and other industrial newcomers where labour is much cheaper.

The countries with the most fervent labour-protection laws, such as France and Germany, will be forced to suffer official unemployment rates of 10 percent and higher.

I don't see the things like that moody smiley
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 19:02
bouuuu doudou sa rigole plus avec langlais mdrrr grinning smiley
[color=brown][b][center]Umar disait : " Que Dieu accorde Sa Miséricorde à qui m'indiquerait `mes défauts ! " Merci d´en faire autant ![/center][/b][/color]
9 April 2006 19:04
bouuuu doudou sa rigole plus avec langlais mdrrr grinning smiley

ewa ma cherie je suis quadrilingue tongue sticking out smiley, meme si c'est pas la perfection eye rolling smiley
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 19:07
[hr]il faut de tout pour faire un monde ! oué ! mais on se passerait bien de certains !!!!!! :?:?
9 April 2006 19:56
waouuu machaallah sa rigole plus lol

tu parles quelle langue ???
[color=brown][b][center]Umar disait : " Que Dieu accorde Sa Miséricorde à qui m'indiquerait `mes défauts ! " Merci d´en faire autant ![/center][/b][/color]
9 April 2006 20:09
waouuu machaallah sa rigole plus lol

tu parles quelle langue ???

loool, koi? tu m'as pris pour quelqu'un qui connait rien, moody smiley faut pas se fier aux apparences miss tongue sticking out smiley grinning smiley

je parle français et darija ça je l'ai maitrise parfaitement grinning smiley, ainsi que l'espagnol thumbs up et l'anglais... et je connais un peu l'italien que je compte approfondir car je kiffe parler cette langue!

et pourquoi pas un jour le chinoi? grinning smiley

PS: desole pour le hors sujet, confused smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2006 08:10 by joliedounia.
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 20:25
non pas du tout je savais que tu etais tres intelligente mais jignorais que tu parlais plusieurs langue

machaallah c´est genial!!!!
[color=brown][b][center]Umar disait : " Que Dieu accorde Sa Miséricorde à qui m'indiquerait `mes défauts ! " Merci d´en faire autant ![/center][/b][/color]
9 April 2006 20:27
non pas du tout je savais que tu etais tres intelligente mais jignorais que tu parlais plusieurs langue

machaallah c´est genial!!!!


barakalah ofik Angel
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 20:47
non pas du tout je savais que tu etais tres intelligente mais jignorais que tu parlais plusieurs langue

machaallah c´est genial!!!!


barakalah ofik Angel
bien venu au club jolie doudou, yo hablo espagnol, i speek the langage of shekspear, but i began forgeting it, cause i do not practice it usualy,, my nederland i forget it also, the italian piano piano, et la darija dieu sait que ca sortira pas de ma tête mais bon je suis plus vieux que toi et avec le temps ya de l'érosionmoody smileymoody smileymoody smiley.
[color=#FF0000]il y'a bien des laideurs qui ne se voient pas!!!!!!!! [/color]
9 April 2006 21:04
bien venu au club jolie doudou, yo hablo espagnol, i speek the langage of shekspear, but i began forgeting it, cause i do not practice it usualy,, my nederland i forget it also, the italian piano piano, et la darija dieu sait que ca sortira pas de ma tête mais bon je suis plus vieux que toi et avec le temps ya de l'érosionmoody smileymoody smileymoody smiley.

oh gracias!!! soy la bievenida en el club? tongue sticking out smiley a mi me gusto espanol thumbs up,

try to read of English if you don't want to lose your concepts! i am not very good in english, because i don't like confused smiley, but it is very important to know it.

me anche parlo italiano poco!!!!
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
9 April 2006 21:09
bien venu au club jolie doudou, yo hablo espagnol, i speek the langage of shekspear, but i began forgeting it, cause i do not practice it usualy,, my nederland i forget it also, the italian piano piano, et la darija dieu sait que ca sortira pas de ma tête mais bon je suis plus vieux que toi et avec le temps ya de l'érosionmoody smileymoody smileymoody smiley.

oh gracias!!! soy la bievenida en el club? tongue sticking out smiley a mi me gusto espanol thumbs up,

try to read of English if you don't want to lose your concepts! i am not very good in english, because i don't like confused smiley, but it is very important to know it.

me anche parlo italiano poco!!!!
I know but i have not enough time to reed ingish some times, pero espagnol yo lo hablo quando me voy a maruecos o en vacaciones en el pays de los gitanos y me gousta hablar con eyos.
9 April 2006 21:20
looo, you don't have time, are you a businessman? tongue sticking out smiley

El español es muy facil porque está proxima de francés y tambien el arabe!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2006 09:37 by joliedounia.
[center][color=#FF0000]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color][color=#FF0000][b]Si tu veux savoir quelle place tu occupes auprès de Dieu...[/color][color=#009933]regarde quelle place Dieu prend dans ton coeur[/b][/color][color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#FF0000](¯`•._.•®®•._.•'¯)[/color] [color=#009933]_.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._.-**-._[/color][/center]
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