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proving fatherhood by law
17 July 2009 12:31
i am not sure if this law will ever see the light in morocco , a male dominated society which introduced the modawana of 1957 that deprived women from any rights for a half century

this idea is suggested by women right organisations in morocco , hopefully the next stage will be to discuss the introduction of this new law in the parliament for votes it will be great to have some feed back what moroccans think of this

single mothers exist in morocco it s a fact which can not be denied , this is not just in morocco but in all muslim and arab countries , and since it exists it s wrong to ignore it and a law is urgently needed
some of the causes:

1- victims of rape
2- housekeepers originally from the countryside who trust easily and believe the lies of some men who prey on them and see in them an easy target , taking advantage of their lack of education and ignorance
3- aggression of the parents which causes the daughter to run with someone who promises her paradise
....................etc the causes are different from a case to an other

exemple : if a housekeeper is a victim of rape by the man who employ her what happens in most cases , the little girl ends up in the street with a newborn child , the man responsible denies the fatherhood and it s the girl who assumes the responsibilty and gets the blame from the society , her family and guilty in front of the civil and religious law.
since it s takes two to have a baby the injustice here is that the girl gets punsihed but the man can deny and thats it , end of story , the girl has the right to ask for a birth certficat but she is not allowed to put the name of the person who made her pregnant , in morocco s law: the civil servant in charge of 7ala madanya has a list of names they all sound like this: abdellah , abdel kader, abdel ghafour, abdel rahman , the woman can choose any of those family names and this takes 3 to 5 years costs a lot of money and it s a roller coster of nightmares and endless burocracy

the idea of the new law is : every single woman who has a child and knows the father of the child by a court order can send a letter delivered by police (stid3a)with an appointment booked for the possible father for a DNA test , by law the person needs to attend the appointment and give his DNA , if proven he will have to assume the responsability of the new born financially and also the child won t be considered weld lahram as he will have his true father surname legally

this new law will make every man who thinks it s easy to play around make girls pregnant and deny fatherhood think twice , also this new law will reduce the number of single mother pregnancies

the cost of a parenthood DNA in morocco is 2000DH , the bill will be shared by the two parties half paid by the mother ( and half to be paid by the possible father in case the person is not the father the mother will have to pay him the other half 1000DH

to be entitled for a free DNA test since most of these women are very poor all what they have to do is to include with their application to the court a certificate which shows they don t have an income(chahadate doa3fe)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2009 12:43 by printemps1.
17 July 2009 14:23
yes hopefully women in morocco would get thier rights (talit wemtallit)
as the egyptians sayClap
17 July 2009 14:36
i really think it s a very good idea with very well thought tools of application
the idea of having to give DNA by law will worry a lot of men and make them avoid any sexual relations outside marriage and more importantly will give the children a life with dignity with an identified father who can not deny him or her thumbs up

hope the parliament will vote for this, fingers crossed sad smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2009 02:37 by printemps1.
17 July 2009 14:37
18 July 2009 01:37
Its sounds a good idea & if & when its applied we could see these children with their rights knowing their fathers ,as they are the 1st victims here !
As for the law making adults or men think before having sexual relation outside marriage iam not sure it will work ! as we all know in most cases its takes 2 to bingo + do not forget the role of Alcohol also we need to remember that its a huge issue in the country for both sexes ......

To get things moving we need first of all admit that we have problems ,victims & unjustice !
ONG's ,Political parties need to be behind this & be prepared to push for the change ,all of these went take place without education .

i am not sure if this law will ever see the light in morocco , a male dominated society which introduced the modawana of 1957 that deprived women from any rights for a half century

this idea is suggested by women right organisations in morocco , hopefully the next stage will be to discuss the introduction of this new law in the parliament for votes it will be great to have some feed back what moroccans think of this

single mothers exist in morocco it s a fact which can not be denied , this is not just in morocco but in all muslim and arab countries , and since it exists it s wrong to ignore it and a law is urgently needed
some of the causes:

1- victims of rape
2- housekeepers originally from the countryside who trust easily and believe the lies of some men who prey on them and see in them an easy target , taking advantage of their lack of education and ignorance
3- aggression of the parents which causes the daughter to run with someone who promises her paradise
....................etc the causes are different from a case to an other

exemple : if a housekeeper is a victim of rape by the man who employ her what happens in most cases , the little girl ends up in the street with a newborn child , the man responsible denies the fatherhood and it s the girl who assumes the responsibilty and gets the blame from the society , her family and guilty in front of the civil and religious law.
since it s takes two to have a baby the injustice here is that the girl gets punsihed but the man can deny and thats it , end of story , the girl has the right to ask for a birth certficat but she is not allowed to put the name of the person who made her pregnant , in morocco s law: the civil servant in charge of 7ala madanya has a list of names they all sound like this: abdellah , abdel kader, abdel ghafour, abdel rahman , the woman can choose any of those family names and this takes 3 to 5 years costs a lot of money and it s a roller coster of nightmares and endless burocracy

the idea of the new law is : every single woman who has a child and knows the father of the child by a court order can send a letter delivered by police (stid3a)with an appointment booked for the possible father for a DNA test , by law the person needs to attend the appointment and give his DNA , if proven he will have to assume the responsability of the new born financially and also the child won t be considered weld lahram as he will have his true father surname legally

this new law will make every man who thinks it s easy to play around make girls pregnant and deny fatherhood think twice , also this new law will reduce the number of single mother pregnancies

the cost of a parenthood DNA in morocco is 2000DH , the bill will be shared by the two parties half paid by the mother ( and half to be paid by the possible father in case the person is not the father the mother will have to pay him the other half 1000DH

to be entitled for a free DNA test since most of these women are very poor all what they have to do is to include with their application to the court a certificate which shows they don t have an income(chahadate doa3fe)
18 July 2009 19:13
since this law will benefit women i am 100% the beardies of the PJD will do their best to stop it
like their propaganda against AlModawana , they even send their brainwashed waives to the street of casablanca and rabat to protest against a law which will give some rights to women

read their propaganda in the newspaper attajdid and what their leaders (specially Al ottmani and Benkiran ) were saying to understand that one of the biggest obstacles preventing women to gain any rights is those loosersCool
19 July 2009 16:57
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