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Questioning the war from within
26 July 2006 11:35
Here's to the people who still think Israel is a monolithical state, an article from Haaretz questioning the morality of their behavior :

26 July 2006 13:45
Lets hope more & more Israelis realise what is happening ( the rest of the world should take notice too) & stop this evil that is destroying our brothers in Lebanon & Palestine & breeding more haltered & resentment.
26 July 2006 13:45
Lets hope more & more Israelis have realise what is happening ( the rest of the world should take notice too) & stop this evil that is destroying our brothers in Lebanon & Palestine & breeding more haltered & resentment.
26 July 2006 13:45
Lets hope more & more Israelis realise what is happening ( the rest of the world should take notice too) & stop this evil that is destroying our brothers & sisters in Lebanon & Palestine & breeding more haltered & resentment.
26 July 2006 13:45
Lets hope more & more Israelis realise what is happening ( the rest of the world should take notice too) & stop this evil that is destroying our brothers in Lebanon & Palestine & breeding more haltered & resentment.
26 July 2006 17:13
They are already a lot of Israelis who have realized that they are on the wrong path, I read a lot the Israeli press, and you can find, on a daily basis, editorials putting fire under their government's feet.
A lot of Israelis are tired of slashes on social budgets to provide funds for their military apparatus, it's not a very well known fact, but Israel has been in a serious economical crisis for years now, this endless war has taken its toll.
But these reasonable israelis have no one to talk to, they can work from within but they need help from outside, they need reasonable Arabs to build a grassroot movement. They were small initiatives like "neve shalom" but it's overshadowed by the bellicose rethoric from both sides.
26 July 2006 21:08
I have the impression that the States are behind the idea....Israel is much more an excuter?!!.....
26 July 2006 21:23
Hi Ilhem,

I think the U.S has been caught off guard on this one, but they are very much in favor of squashing Hezbollah, so as usual the conservative jewish lobby in Congress and the Senate is in full gear. They did deliver a shipment of weaponry after the war broke out, which is in violation of every international rule you could think of.
Israel has always been in control and never an executioner, didn't they use to say "the tail wagging the dog" about the US/Israel relationship.
Let's just hope, the US at least puts the leash back on very soon before Israel drags anybody else in this mess. The worst scenario would be if Israel re-occupies Lebanon, this would create another black hole for Jihadists to operate from.
The "bright side" for the moron in chief is that the TV networks have given him a break on Irak, illegal wiretapping, the Plamegate which was rekindled with Valerie Plame filing a lawsuit.
26 July 2006 22:17
Hi chelhmen,

you got a point regarding the break for the Iraq mess ….I think that’s is exactly why I said the States are behind the whole story to justify it and to blame the “ terrorists ” for Bush's desaster once again …on the other hand I don’t think Israel will dare even to think about occupying Lebanon again …enough headache with Palestine…..who wants more……
seriously I don’t know if I should hope anything for the middleeast crise anymore.... it's getting worse and worse...seems to be hopeless and once gets used to the humain slaughter every day...can't see the pictures anymore....really painfull.....any justice in this "bloody" world?!!!..I'm not sure...
26 July 2006 22:41
Hi again Ilhem,

Sorry, I didn't catch your point the first time. And Yes, you're absolutely right, the US, well the current administration at least, are cynical enough to profit from the mess. I hope you're right about Israel not re-occupying southern Lebanon, Jihadists have been emboldened by the Iraq experience, if they're allowed to swarm to Lebanon, 1982 would look like a squirmish compared to what they'll do.
29 July 2006 19:01
Here's some more self-criticism from the Israeli press, I wish we had the same about the savagery of the bombings in Iraq which kill more Iraqis and achieve next to nothing from a military point of view, even if they did, the price tag is much too high for the Iraqis. But I guess this past week, Iraq has been put on the backburner of the networks, it's no longer "if it bleeds, it leads", now it's "if it bleeds more, it leads more".


Another article from Gideon Levy :


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2006 11:03 by chelhman.
3 August 2006 18:40
It is indeed a tactic to make people forget that Iraq is at the brink of a civil war. Israel is destroying Gaza while all media focus on Lebanon. It's a good hawkish strategy. but for how long? soon Lebanon will be sompletely destroyed, and they the eyes of destruction will turn to Syria, and the Iran. You can never stop these bloodthursty (sorry... oilthirsty) dictators (BUsh, Blair) who still embrace imperialism as a way to dominate mankind.
Let our goverments give them more blood more oil... to quench their thirst. If they are afraid of standing against the two... boycott some products... it helps, a little, but it does.
By the way:
Haaretz has been the first (and only) newspaper in israel to condem the killing of innocent people in Lebanon. maybe soon it will close down, maybe it catches fire or something... earthquake... or suicide bombing, by an arab...
7 August 2006 20:00
5,000 Israelis Protest in Tel Aviv Against Attacks

In Israel, over 5,000 protesters marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday to condemn the attack on Lebanon. The protest was one of the largest in Israel since the attacks on Lebanon began. Demonstrators called on Israel to negotiate with Hizbollah.

Israeli Protester: "Hizbollah kidnapped two soldiers and Israel started a stupid war instead of talking to Hizbollah like it demanded. And we are protesting against those stupid acts. Israel is murdering people every day and we disagree.
The protesters also encouraged Israeli soldiers to disobey orders in Lebanon.
20 August 2006 19:05
Former knesset member Uri Avneri questions the achievements of this war. According to him, it all boils down to the settlements that should be removed :

20 August 2006 22:36
I'm gonna try to write something about that;
You know i'm sur that this war beetwen hizboullah and israelien is juste an experience to see the force iranien military, but finally they falt.
May they gonna try again or not ,only god knows.
georges orwell
20 August 2006 22:56
2 July 2006 article Gulf News

What are U.S. and Israeli War Aims?

By Patrick Seale

In spite of the unfolding catastrophe in Lebanon, U.S. President George W Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair have agreed to give Israel at least until the end of the month to achieve its war aims. They have rejected demands for an immediate ceasefire from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, from European and Arab leaders and from a rising groundswell of outraged international opinion.

The view in Washington and London is that an immediate ceasefire would be ‘premature’. In the frivolous and callous words of Bush’s press secretary, Tony Snow, the U.S. is not ‘going to step in and put up a stop sign.’

Bush and Blair are due to meet at the White House on 28 July to take stock of the situation. In the meantime, as Israel continues its methodical destruction of Lebanon, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice is planning to visit the region to peddle a ‘diplomatic plan’ which seeks to advance Israel’s interests while ignoring those of the Arabs.

In daring to come to the war-torn region, Rice runs a considerable risk. Revolted by American policy, many Arabs would like to tear her limb from limb. She also faces the near certainty of political failure.

Never since the Second World War has the U.S. aligned itself so totally on Israel, never has its estrangement from Arab and Muslim opinion been greater, and never has its inability, or unwillingness, to tackle the real problems of the region been more flagrant.

What are Israel’s war aims in Lebanon? Why is the U.S. backing them? And what are their chances of success?

The immediate aim of Israel’s brutal campaign is to destroy the Lebanese resistance movement Hizballah and kill its leader, Shaikh Hasan Nasrallah.

If the total destruction of Hizballah proves impossible, then the aim is to disarm it, to drive it out of a substantial slice of southern Lebanon, and replace its presence there with that of an international force, in conjunction with the Lebanese army, so as to form in a new ‘security zone’ on Israel’s northern border.

Beyond that, the still more ambitious aim is to redraw Lebanon’s political map, bringing to power in Beirut a government ready to conclude a separate peace with Israel under American auspices. In other words, the aim is to draw a broken and submissive Lebanon into Israel’s sphere of influence.

This was the aim of Israel’s 1982 invasion, and remains its aim today. Nothing else can explain the wholesale and systematic destruction of Lebanon’s national infrastructure. We are witnessing an attempt, abetted by the United States, to break Lebanon’s will to resist.

Much the same thing is happening on the Palestinian front where, with U.S. support and encouragement, Israel is seeking to destroy the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, the victor of last January’s democratic elections.

By smashing the Palestinians’ national infrastructure in both Gaza and the West Bank, Israel intends to put in place a broken and submissive Palestinian administration that will accept its unilateral terms. On both fronts, Israel will refuse all negotiation until it has established a position of overwhelming strength.

Beyond these assaults on Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, the evident aim is to isolate and weaken Syria and Iran, the only local powers who actively support Hizballah and Hamas, and who still resist American and Israeli hegemony over the region.

These local states and their supporters will inevitably fight back. They have vital interests at stake. Syria will not easily allow hostile powers, such as Israel and the United States, to establish their supremacy in Lebanon, as this would pose a grave threat to Syria’s national security. Iran, in turn, will not easily abandon its role as the protector of Lebanon’s Shi‘ite community in the face of Israel’s savage attack. Whether or not it intended to do so in the first place, Iran will now almost certainly redouble its efforts to acquire a nuclear capability so as to deter the U.S. and Israel from further aggressions and seek to establish a regional balance of power.

In puzzling over these developments, future historians may well conclude that the trauma of al-Qaida’s attacks of 11 September 2001 caused the United States to lose its mind. Obsessed with the ‘terrorist threat’, raging to hit back – and profoundly influenced by pro-Israeli advisers who seized the opportunity to preach the identity of U.S. and Israeli interests – Bush embarked on a disastrous course which resulted in America smashing Iraq, and allowing, even encouraging, Israel to smash Lebanon and what remains of Palestine.

This destructive rampage, and its irreparable damage to three Arab societies, is liable to haunt the U.S. and Israel for years to come. By promoting international anarchy, the U.S. and Israel will inevitably reap a harvest of resistance, terrorism and death on an even grander scale than in the past, as the victims seek revenge.

Condoleeza Rice has spoken of the need for an international conference on Lebanon. But her vision seems limited to protecting Israel and destroying its enemies. She needs to persuade her boss, President Bush, to raise his sights and tackle not just what he considers ‘terrorism’, but its real roots.

What is urgently required is an international peace conference, under a revitalised United Nations, dedicated to resolving the festering problems of the region. These are Israel’s cruel 39-year occupation of Palestinian territories, its refusal to countenance the creation of an independent Palestinian state, its continuing land-grab on the West Bank, its occupation of the Syrian Golan and Lebanon’s Shebaa Farms, its refusal to face up to the unresolved problem of Palestinian refugees living in wretched camps on its borders, its incarceration in deplorable conditions of some 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, and its insane tendency to lash out with indiscriminate violence whenever its victims dare to hit back.

If Israel wants to live in peace and security, it needs to give up bullying, intimidating and destroying its neighbours, and adopt instead a policy of good sense and good neighbourliness.

If Bush and Blair wish to rescue their deeply tarnished reputations, this should be their goal. But it is almost certainly too late.

23 August 2006 20:00
Here's some more voices of dissent within the israeli society, they could really use reasonable voices on the other side. I know it maybe utopian but these things need to be known :

3 September 2006 19:12
An excellent piece from Uri Avnery on Counterpunch this week. He describes how Israelis are subjected to a propaganda blitz from their media, with little or no dissent. The choice of words to depict the actions of Hezbollah is interesting. At the end of the article, there a reminder of an incident in 1948 with the Irgun, something I had never heard of. Enjoy the read.

11 September 2006 14:06
I personnaly make the difference between Jews and Zionists... the Jews follow a religion, and their religion gives credit to good behavior and truth...
I personnaly trust them and like them a lot. I'm just sad to see that this conflict brings so much hate on our jew brothers... sad smiley

and if you look carefully, they are the only hope for peace in the region... but looks like there is some foreign force who would like to see as much chaos there as possible...
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