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Ramadan in the USA
29 July 2009 21:01
Salam everyone ,
I would like to know your opinions about Ramadan in the USA (Fasting , Praying , Struggles and so on !)
how to get the best of this Honorable Month ??perplexe
30 July 2009 11:01
i dont really know mate
because i live in the uk
plus i m pregnant i cant fast
30 July 2009 13:04
Salam everyone ,
I would like to know your opinions about Ramadan in the USA (Fasting , Praying , Struggles and so on !)
how to get the best of this Honorable Month ??perplexe

get along with the community. Are u livin in NYC ? I know a lot of mosques there ! they are providing free Breakfast. They provide good imams for Tarawih prayers. I can give all information you need about ramadan in New York City !
30 July 2009 13:12
[quote Ghayour :free Breakfast. They provide good imams

perplexe i see those good imams who thought that it s good to beat a woman until blood come out from her eyes

i hope their remode control batteries will run out soon for your sake if you harm a woman or even a fly in USA the FBI will show you stars in mid day

be careful grinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:20
Do not think US is an underdeveloped country as the Europe is now ! US respect all religions and multiculturalism , different to the shity other francophone countries like Swiss and France.

My work is between US and Dubai. I have never find any problem or any hostility toward my religion from Americans. grinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:31
ptdrdo you have a brain or you have just a ************ do you understand english SOS
if you start beating up women until blood come out of their eyes, the americans will shoot your ass until you regret the day you were born winking smiley

My work is between US and Dubaieye popping smileyare you a pimp , do you escort the sisters to dubai nightclubs
your life story insert it where the sun doesn t shine

good luck ptdrgrinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:40
So for u whoever work in Dubai may be a pimp ? Sorry ur sisters ain't interesting me! they surely pay for your internet fees so that u come here tellin us dayouth shit grinning smiley
30 July 2009 13:55
shit stabber does it feel good on dubai sand beaches ptdrdon t forget the postcard it must be a great scene specially with your master (the good imam of your community)grinning smiley
30 July 2009 14:12
Don't wast your time with this Dayouth who supports homosexuality and immorality. He's paranoïac, poor guy, he hates Muslims, maybe he was traumatised by someone who seems like a Muslim. 3ala kulli haal, hadha al-Khabith la diina lahu wa la qiblata, yushajji3u al fawaahisha wal mouknaraat, 3alayhi min Allahi ma yastahiq Angel
30 July 2009 14:27
imaginary friend again ptdrshit stabber like you who beat up women have one word : a frustrated pervert who needs spermotholgist to imputate him down under ptdr grinning smiley
ya hal tara mada ara , atathaddatou biloghati darijati li anaka la tokachbilo chayane ayoha irhabiyo al moltahi
law kanit lihyato imanane la kana al jadyo rasoulan

naalaka allaho doniatane wa akhitatane y a jamaata al monafikine , anifako walmonkaro min chyamikome tanhawna ani monkari watansawna anfoskome jahanane wa niaama wel masiri li amtalikome grinning smiley

assayfo walalo wal bayd2ao ta3rifoni wal homo, wal fasado ikhwatoka
jibalo al atlasi chamikhi tasmaoni wa l9iradato, wal khaniziro ,oswatoka
amazighyon 7orrone attoyouro tachhado li wannaro wa jahanaoma masiroka grinning smileywinking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 02:35 by whatp.
30 July 2009 14:33
Bi ay lughatin yatakallamu hadha al-Khabith, hadha al Shaadh? Mouhahhahaha. Mout bi ghaydhik ya moulhid, inna jahannama mathwa lil mounaafiqin mithlik. Ana la oushajji3u al jins ma3aa al Rijaal. Fi ma yadbu, tardha an yakuuna ibnouk ma3a rajoul. Ila al mazbala ya man la diina lahu wa la khoulq.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 02:39 by L'homme Etrange.
30 July 2009 14:37
L'homme Etrange
Don't wast your time with this Dayouth who supports homosexuality and immorality. He's paranoïac, poor guy, he hates Muslims, maybe he was traumatised by someone who seems like a Muslim. 3ala kulli haal, hadha al-Khabith la diina lahu wa la qiblata, yushajji3u al fawaahisha wal mouknaraat, 3alayhi min Allahi ma yastahiq Angel

Normal , Ramadane is soon , the guy will be treated again to be fag by his muslim friends since he won't fast Ramadan grinning smiley Powerless in the bed are those people like him unable to stand their duties in islam , we will laugh grinning smiley
30 July 2009 14:39
khasi2ta ya man yodaji3ou adokora wyalta7i yadono anna lihyataho tastoroho
anifa9o , walkadibo wala yast7i wa fi baytihi gholamon ya3bodoho
law konta rajolan lirojolati yantami ma chajjaata darba lmo7assanti wallho yana3loho
grinning smileyptdr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 02:40 by whatp.
30 July 2009 14:43

whatup : actually i think you are very talented in poetry honestly you just killed me of loughter
specially al motanappi alailo walbadao it reminds me of my school days ptdr

let s see some humour here we all moroccans
30 July 2009 14:51
Na3am, he's "al-motanappi", a fake "al-motanabbi". This guy is a fake, all what he can do is to defend homosexuality, immorality, bestiality, depravation and others calamities. He will probably teach homosexuality to his son, lol, this kind of secularist (mounaafiqoun) can do everything, since they have no religion and no moratlity. May Allah protect us from such scumbag mentality and from west muslim ideology.
30 July 2009 14:52
Ya man yachkou min do3f al intissabi wa do3fi al jinssi grinning smiley
al 7allo al wa7ido amamaka howa choudoud al jinssi sad smiley
kayfa la wa anta dayouth wa9albouk mayet
wa 3anni al koffri anta moudmino grinning smiley
30 July 2009 15:06
lol, Ghayour, Mouhahhahaha, moumtaz.

Ya man la diina lahu, wa la khoulouqa wa la islaam,
A tardha an ya2ti ibnuka wa ma3ahu ghoulam
Kayfa tudaafi3ou 3ani al-Shoudhoudh wa anta tadda3i
Anaka mouslimoun wal Islam minka barii,

This man can't retain himself for speaking against mouslims ans Islam but he is always the first to defend jews, homosexuality, secularism and deviants. His mission is to wage a war against honor, he lost his self esteem and his honor and want the same for muslims. I thin if someone says "Islam is against sexuality with dogs", he will defend this kind of relations.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2009 03:13 by L'homme Etrange.
30 July 2009 15:11
L'homme Etrange

Ya man la diina lahu, wa la khoulouqa wa la islaam,
A tardha an ya2ti ibnaka wa ma3ahu ghoulam
Kayfa tudaafi3ou 3ani al-Shoudhoudh wa anta tadda3i
Anaka mouslimoun wal Islam minka barii,


I swear I laugh like a crazy grinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smileygrinning smiley
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