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who is the real father of Michael's kids
9 July 2009 06:16
it looks like DR KLEIN, his dermatologist, the kids look just like him.
it's a mess.
Michael Jackson was so confused.
9 July 2009 08:31
where did you get that from have you got any proof???
or a special site or link???Heu
9 July 2009 11:48
salma the sperm came from his dermatologist and went to his nurse and the kids were born.
they are Michael's kids, im not debating that but that's where they came from, their biological parents.
salma, i love Michael but you have to say it as it is and not get carried in the hype.
he was a black man but hated being black and his kids are as white as people from scandinavia.
do you think a black man would give birth to those kids?
hell no.
9 July 2009 13:09
free thinka, don t beleive rumours , Michael been a magnet for all stories to sell papers
of course they are his kids , he is not the only case in the world a black man with white kids , i have a neighbour his kids are blond and he is dark black , genes are a weird thing sometimes the white genes are stronger than the black ones and a black person may have white kids

i have no idea where did you get this: that michael hated being black
i have seen a picture of him in the early 80: kan fihe lbresse skin condition , few dots on his neck and his arm which was spreading gradually this is why he used some type of oxygen to whitten all his body so his skin condition wont be that visible
i also seen an interview with him and his sister Janet talking about this

i don t blame the guy having plastic surgery i think it s his money and it s his choice i do blame the fact that the media preyed on him and targeted him and never mentioned the fact that he is a world record holder ( stars who helped most charities worldwide )
now he is dead i think it s his children turn for the media to sell their cheap newspapers Cool

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 03:11 by whatsup.
9 July 2009 14:17
i totally agree with you mate
(rah lehssen b3id 3lik)
people are very jealous of him and of his success and what he s achieved
(hta wahed mawssel bhaloi)
i personally admire him and will foreverthumbs up
9 July 2009 15:47
i love Michael as much as you do if not more, but why try to hide his laundry under the bed?
yes he was the king, yes we all loved him and all cried when he died.
That doesn't mean we should change history.
It's very wrong to try to change history cause the next generations will believe in what we say.
Michael never accepted being black and his kids are white, they have no African features.
they look like they came from Sweeden.
We are Moroccans we don't look like his kids yet we came from Africa and our parents are not as black as Michael.
Forget the way he looked, his DNA is pure black.
Michael was a black man, his mother is black and his father is black.
Those kids are his but not biologically.
9 July 2009 16:36
i don t think it is important who s kids are they , the mother is known i don t think the sperm donor who fertilized the eggs is important is it ?it s avery common thing now even single women and men have kids the sperms are on sale in private clinics

legally he is the father and he s been there for them , he left a will to protect their rights and wealth
honestly i feel sick from the media spin last week he wasn t even burried and in UK already advertising for programs about his death , he was a frail men , an ill men this and that it s all marketing

conspiracy theories already started

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2009 05:23 by printemps1.
9 July 2009 17:11
yes i do understandCool
21 July 2009 21:34
Who really cares? I personally don't ptdr
21 July 2009 21:38
it's me man Zen
Nadafa minal imane wal imane minal islam... il est temps de subsidier les panneaux solaires
22 July 2009 17:15
24 July 2009 22:25
i got some news for you about the real son of Michael Jackson.
His name is Omer Bhatti, he's 25 yrs old and looks just like him.
He's his biological child.

New rumors surrounding Michael Jackson surfaced yesterday, this time, regarding an alleged fourth child. Omer Bhatti, 25, who sat with bowed head and dark glasses with the Jackson family during Michael Jackson’s tribute two weeks ago, is at the center of the media circus. Michael Jackson “told pals in 2004 that Norwegian Bhatti was born following a one-night stand in 1984,” and is now “believed to be seeking a DNA test to discover the truth” of his identity, according to The Sun.
Bhatti has requested a DNA test to find out whether he is Michael Jackson’s biological child. “If Omer’s his son, he’s his son. We won’t deny it,” says Jermain Jackson according to Contact Music. “We are going to give him the same amount of love and care that we give Prince and Paris and Blanket. I can’t clearly say if he is Michael’s but I saw this kid around him.”
Additional rumors are that Bhatti’s mother, Pia, is also the mother of Jackson’s youngest son, Blanket.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2009 10:39 by LibrePenseur.
25 July 2009 17:13
well no one knows the truth yetHeu
25 July 2009 17:56
free thinker you are wrong mateNo no
the story briefly is : that omer bhatti was working in a 5 stars hotel in tunisia with his indian father , they do shows at night , and the kid was imitating MJ dances etc , one day MJ visited tunisa and saw him performing , his indian father approached MJ and asked him to offer him a job in USA
MJ was very impressed with the kid dancing etc he did offer him a job as head of staff in neverland and his mother(half tunisian /half norwegian) became a nany to his kids , they are opportunists , specially the indian father , they made alot of money, now MJ is dead they are selling stories to the newspapers, photos with MJ children making more money ( human greed)

never trust an indian Cool mafihome khir thumbs down
28 July 2009 16:50
wadab litra rah tra
kheliweh yertah fin rah kayen dabaHeu
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