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Refusal of the BBC to broadcast an emergency appeal for Gaza.
27 January 2009 16:08
The fact that other channels including Channel 4, ITV and
Channel 5 are showing the appeal tonight shows how isolated
and extreme the BBC is on this issue.

A number of our supporters have informed us that they have
written to the BBC saying they have cancelled their direct
debit for their TV license. If you are planning to do the
same, please inform Stop the War at <span class="contextEntry" id="[email protected]_body">[email protected]</span>.

The BBC said that by yesterday they had received over 11,000
complaints. That figure is bound to be far higher by now,
given how there is now virtually unanimous agreement across
the full spectrum of opinion in Britain that the BBC must
reverse its disgraceful decision. Reports say that the vast
majority of BBC staff are outraged by the blocking of the Gaza
appeal. We need to do all we can to increase the pressure on
the BBC management.

If you have not complained to the BBC yet, do so here:
PHONE: 03700 100 222
TEXT: 03700 100 212
27 January 2009 16:19
please check out this

28 January 2009 12:27

Thank you for posting the link to the DEC
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