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Room with brothers in London ?
12 February 2007 18:58
I'm Rachid 34 years old, Belgian and my origin is Moroccan,living in Blegium

Is there a possibilty to have a room with brothers in London for few months.

GOD bless all of us
17 February 2007 20:09
Thanks to contact me when you'll find a brother for a room smiling smiley
17 February 2007 22:18
What is your budget?
17 February 2007 22:46
This question is for justme12 ? smiling smiley
17 February 2007 23:04
Yes for justme12.

just wanted to highlight that accomodation is very expensive in London, and that he shouldn't expect someone to offer him a roof for nothing (which I suspect he is hoping for)
17 February 2007 23:21
I've no idea about rom's prices in Uk , can you give me an expamle, not too expensive , and thanks
17 February 2007 23:23
I'm not expecting to have a roof for nothing. I've no idea about romm's prices in Uk , can you give me an idea and thanks.

the important thing for me is with or near muslim people.
18 February 2007 00:23
If you want to rent a room in a shared flat, then expect to pay 6OO£/month at least if you want to stay close to Central London.

If you want a room for less you have to go to zone 3 or more.

your original question is a bit strange? what do you mean by brother? do you wanna live only with moroccans? this might be a little bit difficult as accomodation is difficult to find let alone if you restrict yourself to moroccans only.

Hope it helps.
18 February 2007 00:29
Hi justme12

Rent in London varies ,you need to find out where you will be based & how long you willing to travel & your budget (public transport in London is not cheap) ect ....
To give you an idea south London is cheaper ,central & west are expensive ,please note the closer you are to a tube station the rent goes up also the zone (1&2 being central 3 is ok 4 ,5 you are in the suburbs)
Please check the following sites

18 February 2007 11:58
If you want to rent a room in a shared flat, then expect to pay 6OO£/month at least if you want to stay close to Central London.

If you want a room for less you have to go to zone 3 or more.

your original question is a bit strange? what do you mean by brother? do you wanna live only with moroccans? this might be a little bit difficult as accomodation is difficult to find let alone if you restrict yourself to moroccans only.

Hope it helps.

Brothers for me are muslim,

thanks for your help and don't forget that I'm not english native speaker. sometimes it's difficult for me to explain somethings.

Best regards
18 February 2007 12:03
It's very kind of you, the websites are really interssting. Thanks again and again
19 February 2007 13:07
By the end of this month I'll be in London and that'll be great to meet some of you all of you to give me a hand to improve my english and I'll teach you french, arabic or german

I've found a room by internet , I called the person to have information about price and condition. 60 pounds per week the palce he said (15 min by tube to center)
19 February 2007 15:51
Hi justme12

You need to find our where is this room ,ask for a post code ,the nearest tube station ect ................15mn is a vague discription ,is it north ,south ,west east ............................London is a big place
19 February 2007 18:35
If you decide one day to come to Belgium (you're muslim no smoker no alcool) you're welcome brother, you don't need no hotel smiling smiley
19 February 2007 23:37

Thank you very much for the offer
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